Friday, May 16, 2008

Why Doesn't CNN just rename itself ONN

What used to be the Clinton News Network is now the Obama News Network.  I have never seen a news agency so completely in the pocket of a candidate.
Just so we know.   MSNBC is too, even Joe Scarborough is now engaging in a daily rant over George Bush.
The faux anger they have over President Bush's speech in Israel is just so full of baloney it's over the top.  What he said is appeasement is wrong, was wrong in the second world war and is wrong now. 
And, the crackpot Keith Olberman's crackup over President Bush's response to a QUESTION about why he no longer plays golf.  He said that he felt it was inappropriate for him to be out playing golf while the Iraq war was on.  I thought good for him.  He is lambasted.  What a bunch of hooey.
I shouldn't be surprised, Olberman is a Looney.  But It's a little disingenuous for these people to call what they do news commentary or reporting.  It's politicking and piling on to an already ruined party.  The GOP is dead.  
I wonder what the next conservative  party will be called.  I always liked Christian Democratic Union.  The conservative party in Germany.  Has a nice sound.  But conservative.
I just with the so called news media wouldn't lie outright.
Ha -  who am I kidding. 


Anonymous said...

You, sir, are a douchbag.
Deal with it.
The Heretic

Gene said...

Don't you love the clever repartee of the left? Note the comment above.

Such wisdom......

But, this what I have come to expect from those who have no courage to sign or identify themselves and use this kind of stupidity to attempt to make a comment.

Frankly, sir, you are way too stupid to do more than have pity on your serious mental disorder.