Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dead Mouse Smells like it

A few days ago Julie mentioned finding and smelling a dead mouse in her car. Not for being totally oneupmanshiply but we had a dead mouse fall down into the hood over our stove. IT WAS HORRIBLE SMELLING IN THE WHOLE HOUSE.

It became so rank that I couldn't stand it. I almost wretched yesterday morning. I had to get out.

I had lunch with the Pastor. When I came home she had that "Come On and look at the doorknob I fixed" look about her. She had taken that hood apart, disassembled the ductwork and removed the smelly carcass. All while I was out having lunch in a nice clean restaurant. I had told her that it was impossible (what she did).

Cleaned it up and disinfected the whole thing.

I get nauseous going to home depot. Tim the Toolman I'm not even close to being.

Peggy should be nominated for sainthood. Maybe that's what I will get her for our anniversary.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

buy her some Chanel, give her a day out at the Spa.