Saturday, July 19, 2008

God's Crosshairs on FIFY

Even at my "advanced" age (63) I know who Fifty Cent is. A rapper.

No, I don't know any of his "Songs". I do know that he was targeted by God over 3 years ago. Kim Clement, a Prophet I respect, called him out and let him know that God was going to invade his life:

Be aware of this, 50, 50, 50! Maybe you have no idea who this is. But now is the greatest voice in this nation. It shall come to pass that 50 shall be known as 50 because there are no cents. For there is one thing that shall happen. The Spirit shall come upon him. And they shall say, is he amongst the prophets as well?

Then in today's news I see a story about FIFY. The degradation, humiliation of a man who has experienced adulation by millions. And, at the hands of a woman who is the mother to your Son. Kind of like the Jews and Jesus. Fifty is also just now 33 years old. Time time and a time Fifty.

I wish him no ill. He will be among the prophets as well. I do know that when God puts his hand and crosshairs on someone they are in deep weeds till they come to Him on bended knee.

Come on home Fifty, He loves you, He has a great plan for your life, you are destined for much much more than you ever knew. The ultimate high awaits you. God has you steady in his sights. You are a marked man. You are sooooo fortunate.

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