Friday, July 18, 2008

The Price of Food is too LOW!!

When I start seeing hollow eyes of starving people in America I will believe the price of food is too high. Till I do I will consider reality that food is too cheap.

We are a nation of obese fatties. I speak from experience. 6' - 270# (but everyone says I carry it well).

Today's Chicago Tribune has an article that defines this exactly:

Americans, who have been getting fatter for decades, reached an unwelcome milestone in a report released Thursday: More than one in four of us are obese.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the number of adults who say they are obese jumped 2 percent between 2005 and 2007—from 23.9 percent in 2005 to 25.6 percent in 2007. That doesn't include people who are overweight.

ONE IN FOUR. That means if you walk down the street today every fourth person you meet will be morbidly obese. What is more interesting is a map that shows this. The states with the poorest populations are the most obese.

When you do, say hi, I might answer back.

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