Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Dumbest People in the Room

Remember the book the Smartest People in the Room? About Enron?

Well, a new one should be written. About the Democrat congress, house and senate. I am astonished at the absolute stupidity of these people. Oh, they are good politicians but they are really really bad policy makers and worse economists.

It all starts with the chief dummy, Nancy Pelosi and her sidekick, Harry Reid. They have presided over maximum ineptitude.

In watching newscasts and interviews I have been looking for a fragment of common sense. The closest thing I have come to is Barney Frank. He is halfway Cogent. Almost all the rest are totally brainwave free.

On CNBC a couple days ago Frederico Pena was interviewed. He was disgraced as secretary of Transportation during the Clinton Years. Now he's an Obama advisor. He parroted the line that OIL companies should start drilling where there is no oil. WHAT?? He made a fool of himself. The interviewers had all they could do to keep from laughing out loud at him.

I believe that since the Republicans have chosen a BYE candidate and have handed the election to Obama on a silver platter it would serve Obama right now well to begin to surround himself with people who actually have a quarter of a brain in their head. He might have to go right of center to find some.

Of course Obama says some really dumb things too.... Like we wouldn't have to drill for oil if we just inflated our tires properly.

Man we are in so much trouble in this country. Idiots in charge. Monkeys running the zoo.

After four years of this stupidity maybe, just maybe we will have an actual opposition party (it won't be the Republican Party, they will all be indicted or in Jail by then) to run against these underachievers.

One can only hope. I am coming to believe you have to flunk economics to be a liberal. At least it appears that way. Seems like all liberal proposals are 100%
economic common sense free.

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