Saturday, August 02, 2008

Counting it all JOY

When I was in College I ran into a man by the name of John Anhorn. He was in Choir with us I think. Anyway he had a saying. "Nobody Ever Kicks a Dead Dog".

Of course that means for those of you in Rio Linda (as Rush Says) that if you are doing nothing, making no waves, stirring nothing up, keeping peace with all you won't get kicked. Do something and expect the toe of the boot from some.

Such has been my lot. I'm a kickee more than a kicker. Of people who are around me, 70% think I a good guy and would say so, 20% have no opinion one way or another (no waves made) and a solid 10% think I'm the worst person on the planet.

Now, let me get this straight. Should I spend any time whatsoever trying to mollify the 10%? Should I try to make peace? Should I change my behavior that endears me to the 70% to win the 10%? I don't think so.

I will be at peace with all men if I can be but if a person chooses to be at odds with me that is a choice they make with or without my influence.

Being Persecuted for the Name of Jesus I wear is just fine with me. It validates what I am doing. If the Anti-Christ Spirit rises up against me I feel like I am in the exact right place.

I count it all joy when men revile me.

We are to conform ourselves to the image of Christ aren't we? That would mean that sometimes we will be spit upon, whipped, hair torn out, hated, hollered at, despised and rejected. If we aren't we might want to ask. Why isn't the Spirit of Anti-Christ rising up against us? Maybe we need to see if the "Christ" in us is alive first.

Count it ALL Joy when Men Persecute you for HIS names sake. When the boot of persecution come to kick you smile, YOU ARE RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE!!


Anonymous said...

"Men of perverse heart shall be far from me; I will have nothing to do with evil" (Psalms 101:4).

Some people make us sick. All we have to do is get close to them when they are sick and their sickness, if contagious, can make us sick. In fact, many viruses and different bacteria can live in tiny droplets of air born moisture and float from one person to another. Other people can and will make you sick.

In the same way that we can physically catch what others have, we can also be Spiritually influenced by those close to us, good or bad. Though it would never seem like the "Christian" thing to do, sometimes we have to stay away from those who are having a negative influence on us. Sad to say, but some Christians should stop hanging around other Christians who are having a bad influence on their life. This happens so much. It's hard because those dear friends have really helped us at times, been there for us, have been so loyal and at times so loving. Yet, if they are being used by the enemy to thwart God’s plan in your life, then you should bail out of the relationship.

Reason with me. What good is a "friend" if they are hurting your walk with Christ? What good is it to spend a lot of time with someone who has already led you into sin? If the devil has used this person once, to lure you into disobedience, why would you want to spend one more day with him or her? being the great Christian giant you are, you’re going to change them, right? Nope. Oh, you think God is going to use you to change their heart? Then, why are you already following them into a path of destruction? You've already allowed them to lead you away from Christ. It will only get worse.

Friend, you are hanging around a Spiritually sick person who doesn't want to get well. Leave their healing and recovery up to more Spiritually well people than yourself, people who can work with them without becoming infected. This principle is found in Galatians 6:1, "Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted". This Scripture say those who are known to be Spiritual should try to restore the sinner. But if you think you are a Spiritual giant and you are not, then you will be tempted into the same evil as the one you are trying to help.
Hang out with a liar, and you'll be tempted to lie. Hang out with a gossip, and you'll gossip too. Hang out with a sexually immoral person, and you can become sexually immoral. Hang out with someone who has a negative outlook on life, and your outlook will suffer. Hang out with someone who is down on their church and before long, you'll be down on your church.

"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible" (Ephesians 5:11-13).

Here is a list from God's Word of people we are to avoid:
1) People who are in love with themselves.2) People who are in love with money.3) People who are boastful.4) People who are proud. 5) Those who are disobedient to their parents.6) People who are ungrateful.7) People who are unholy.8) People who are without love.9) People who are unforgiving.10) People who are slanderous.11) People who have no self-control.12) People who are brutal.13) People who do not love good.14) People who are treacherous.15) People who are rash.16) People who are conceited.17) People who love pleasure more than God.This list of people to avoid is found in 2 Timothy 3:2-5Oh there are many other Scriptures too, such as, "Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned" (Titus 3:10-11).

"A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man who talks too much" (Proverbs 20:19).

All of this sounds too familiar or maybe too close, doesn't it?

Gene said...


Your words are right on and yet they cut.

I have been that person I confess.

I need to spend more time with people who bring me up and not down.

I will.

Thanks for your wisdom.

Anonymous said...

...then go in peace,
and serve the Lord.


Anonymous said...

amen and amen

Praise the Lord

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about people liking you, we know who'll be wearing the boots.