Friday, September 05, 2008

How to win this thing - my advice for Palin McCain

Ok, you are all done with the conventions. Your son is going off to war on September 11. Have a great weekend with him, kiss him goodbye and then prepare for battle. The MSM and liberal establishment (pretty much the same people) are out to destroy you.

Nothing new there. You are used to this. Here is my advice for the next 60 days:

Forget about trying appease or appeal the 35% that are hard core lefties. Code pink ain't coming around. They are the enemy. You must crush them in this election. Don't play nice. Let John do that. He needs to appear to make nice, move to the middle, reach across the aisle, act all independent. It will tick the core off but so what. We have Sarah.

John should complement Obama, say nice things about his friend Joe Biden. He needs to campaign with Democrat friends like Joe Leiberman. His job for the next 60 days is to woo the center. The moderates. The semi decided.

Next weekend Sarah needs to get in front of the press core and disrespect them. Humiliate them. Anger them. Tell them they are out of line. Eviscerate them like a moose. Start with Andrea Mitchell. Then Chris Matthews and finally Olbermaniac. Never let up. Crush them. The country saw what they did to you. It's payback time. You are smart Sarah. You can do this. The middle and the right will swoon. They would love to see you beat them to a pulp.

Forget Joe Biden. He's not important. And he's not your opponent. Oh Sure, Sarah has to do well in the one debate, but the real opponent, the real vulnerable one is Obama. Sarah needs to go on the offense against Obama. Make him look silly. Amplify his many weaknesses. Contrast Him against John. Make it seem like anyone who even considered voting for him needs to think carefully once more. Sarah can say things about Obama that John dare not. They should not campaign together. Sarah will draw larger crowds. John can soften Sarah when he needs to.

John will still go about his business and be the centrist reformer. Washington is broken. He can tell the middle about all the times he went against the establishment. The middle loves that idea of compromise.

Sarah needs to publicly meet with Bob Barr. Photo Op. Hug him. Say nice things about him. Tell him he is needed in this battle. Ditto with Ron Paul. Agree where you can. Get the meetings on You Tube. News. The blogs. Make it clear that we can win this thing; we can defeat the common enemy if we stick together. They probably won't back away, but the appearance will be worth it. It will siphon off support and put a magnifying glass on how these hopeless causes could lead to the worst liberal administration in history. Get the Paulites and Bar supporters to think about how they are enabling an Obama administration.

Sarah needs to go to every mega church in America. Pentecostal or Otherwise. She needs to go to meetings set up for her. She needs to speak to the conservative base. She needs to stand and say, "We need your help. We need foot soldiers". She needs to do what the black pastors are doing anyway. Mobilize the base to hand out literature, bumper stickers, yard signs, do interviews, get people to get out and vote and raise money. Register those who will vote for John and Sarah. For those who won't explain to them that they don't need to register and that the vote for those voting for Obama is held on Wednesday the 5th. They can wait till then. Or offer to take their vote for Obama on the back of a napkin and you will see to it that the vote is properly administered.

The base solidly behind the Palin McCain ticket is ready to roll up sleeves and get to work. This has become a cause. To not use them is a crime. Look at what Ron Paul did. How anxious people were for overturning the mess in Washington. Let's tap into that sentiment.

I'm glad John and Sarah have a great deal of money, but money alone won't get it. Don't get comfortable.

It's time for war. Every soldier will be needed.

John needs to help those supporting Obama make the jump from supporting him much less of a leap and more of a step. A small step. That means John needs to say things that might make us all hold our noses a little. Forget it. This election is about the next 12 years. The Palin administration will rival Margaret Thatcher for reestablishing conservative values. Let's tell ourselves the truth. These kind of people come along very seldom. We will never have a better chance than we do now.

The Palin Clinton standoff in 2012 will be a tough battle, but we can win this thing.

I have just given my best advice. Any other ideas?

By the way, I had published this advice in an email to a friend and then heard Rush Limbaugh rehearse the same thing as if he had read my strategy. I forgive him, but I didn't steal this. It's everything I know about winning an election. It will work.


KD said...

Gene I just read on Dutch Sheets website about comparing Palin to Thatcher. KEWL!!

Anonymous said...

David Frum says sort of the same thing at NRO

without the rancor. Ease up, Gene. Relax. All will be well. "God's" will be done...