Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Understanding the Body of Christ in Communion

I was impressed as I pondered the scripture that the evidences of eating and drinking in a spiritual sense was all thru the word of God. Eating scrolls, eating the word of God, Joshua telling his people to meditate (Masticate) on the word day and night, Jeremiah. It was eating and it was a manifestation of the word of God. Beginning was the word, became flesh and dwelt among us.

It appears to me that eating the Body of Christ is a way to ingest a dimension of His being in a supernatural way. We don't actually EAT the Bible. We consume it. But we don't eat it. We eat the elements of communion, we don't read or hear them. Both are a part of the man who shall not live by bread alone. Both the communion table and the consumption of the living word of God are essential to fulfill the John 6 command.

In the John 6 passage Jesus says that unless we eat his flesh and drink his blood we can have no part in him we must ask what that means. I think I understand it better.

Obviously Jesus wasn't kidding. There must be something to this more than representation or remembrance. Catholics use this passage to demonstrate some kind of transformation of the elements into flesh and blood. Lutherans do it a little different but same net result. Both are right, and in some ways wrongly focused.

I reflect on the Sacrificial lamb at the first passover. The one that the Passover supper (SEDER) remembered. That lamb after being cooked was eaten completely. Entrails and all. It was important to leave nothing behind. Before butchering there was a cleansing of the animal. And only disease free unblemished animals were used. The blood was placed above the doorpost for protection. It was not drunk. Drinking blood is forbidden by Jewish Law. I'll describe more on that later.

Eating the whole lamb was important after his blood was shed and poured out for a purpose.

There may be more to this than meets the eye.

When Jesus took the bread and broke it he said, this IS my Body. He is the lamb of God who's blood was about to be shed. So in the way Jesus took that bread and broke it and gave to them he was saying this is me, what I am. In that moment when Jesus took the bread and gave it and said this IS my body he was present with them. He didn't become the bread, he was however fully present.

Here's a part of the revelation I received as I sought God. Jesus is fully present in the Element of the Bread, as present as he was on that last Seder. He gave to them as he gives to us and in that way he sends his presence to us. Those that administer the elements to us in the bread are the hands of the body of Christ and they are handing us the elements as Jesus. I receive Jesus and his presence in the fullness as if he were there doing it himself.

However the elements are only Body and Blood as Jesus gives them or as we receive them in the Eucharist. After Jesus and the Disciples left the upper room the innkeeper came in and cleaned up. No special ceremony or honor was given the left over elements of that supper. They were recovered or disposed of. They were bread, then became the body of Christ as HE pronounced it, and then returned to bread. Only the act of the distribution and institution made them something more than a food product.

So, is Jesus present in the elements? Yes, exactly as he was present at that Seder Meal. Manifest. God in Flesh. But it's not the elements themselves, it's the act of Taking them that creates the manifestation and the tangibility. It's the elements that provide a point of contact with Jesus. Here is something I received from the Lord as a Word from God that seems to explain this connundrum:
I intended this to be a point of contact continuity with me. The division caused over this in my church has caused great pain and separation. It has never been my intention to cause those who are precious to me to be at odds arguing over this gift. I said "come to me all you who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest". Rest in me was my intention in this connection to me that I ordained. Not just remembering but over millennium that we at once can enter into communion once again and I can give you the rest I promised. I live in eternity, you live in time. While you see communion as something you do now, from my vantage point of the eternal God who sees all as now I am handing you the elements and am present with you just as if I were there doing it in your sight. You receive when you act by faith and not by sight.

I am with you always, even to the end of the world. And I am with you in a supernatural miraculous way when you eat my Body consuming my word and when you eat my Body as a piece of bread handed you and as the words of institution are spoken over them. I then in that act of Faith am present with you flesh on flesh. Touch me, taste me, see.... I am GOOD.

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