Obama is 100 percent consistent in his votes, speeches, and books in advocating and promoting the destruction of personal property rights.
Obama [and socialism- Marxism] promotes “class” and “group” rights over individual rights.
In every vote, in every speech, and in both of his books, Obama advocates and promotes class & group rights over individual rights.
Socialism [really Marxism] compels the people to work for the state. Obama advocates and promotes “community sacrifice” in every speech, every vote and in his two books; nation wide and worldwide. U.S. Taxpayers need to “sacrifice” for the poor in Africa and other third world nations.
Remember his demand for a national civilian security force larger than the combined military?
What does he plan on using it for?
A government of, by, and for the people will be changed by Obama into a government of,by and for the state.
Barack Obama has introduced into our national politics, national election fraud the likes of which our country has never experienced.
He has introduced into our national politics financial fraud and campaign finance fraud--through unsecured credit card contributions, the likes of which our nation has never experienced.
Obama, Pelosi and Reid have in their sights, small businesses, the middle class, savings and now our 401K plans.
Obama and the socialist-Marxist democrat party want to cut military spending by 25%.
With Red China on the rise, Iran on the rise north Korea, Russia, Venezuela on the rise, Obama wants to eliminate missile defense systems and cut military spending by 25%.
These people, these extremists, these Marxists will operate without any checks and balances.
There will be nothing to stop them; nothing to stop their tyranny. They will operate without Constitutional restraints because they reject the Constitution’s limits on the Federal government.
They are preparing to brutalize anyone to silence them, to investigate them, to punish those who dare to speak out against them.
We’ve seen this repeatedly. They will also brutalize anyone who pays taxes and earns an honest living. This is about power and control and eliminating the remaining obstacles and constraints on the Federal government.
Everything will be on the table. Every one of us, regardless of race, sex, party affiliation or income will be hurt by Obama’s socialist-Marxist tyranny; except the ruling class-the political elites and the bureaucrats.
You’ll continue to hear Obama railing against the private sector-the government hates the private sector-the government rapes the private sector- and yet the vast majority of Americans, you and me- we make up the private sector.
The government hates the Christian religion. The IRS is investigating church after church after church if a pastor speaks even in passing about anything political while Obama’s buddies, Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan and all Muslims in America, get away with murder.
Obama repeatedly speaks about “community sacrifice” -never about individual liberty, merit and success, which he detests.
So all of these “American values” have to be destroyed in order to recreate the society that Obama envisions.
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