Sunday, November 30, 2008

Who ARE these People??

I didn't think it would get this bad. I listened to Sunday Morning NPR Leanne Hansen. She interviews Richard Cizik, vice president of governmental affairs for the National Association of Evangelicals.

He waxed loquaciously about reworking, remodeling and castrating the Republican Party from any further effectiveness. WHAT? Who is this guy and why is he trying to speak for me? I am an unabashed christian conservative, but I must no longer be an evangelical. Not if he pretends to be a leader.

He was saying that I should as a christian be supporting cap and trade global warming politics.

I'll be frank. If he thinks his appeals makes any sense at all to those of us on the Christian Right he is sadly mistaken.

Obama got into office because of some mislead and confused Christians, Hispanic, Black and Yes evangelical right voters. God will forgive them. They have sinned. But stop this insanity of trying to find some lukewarm middle ground.

NOW, for those who don't do math well, OBAMA did NOT GET 48% of the votes in the USA. This was NOT a landslide. Stop pretending. He won, but not by a landslide. 48% didn't vote for him. Just trying to help you get over the hype.

We are a conservative country who has lost our way. Obama gets it and will govern from the center. Evangelicals have lost their way and it is being led by the likes of Mr Cizik.

Come on home to conservatism. This is pitiful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's what you get for listening to NPR! Try Moody or KLOVE.