Saturday, January 17, 2009

Evolution and Racism

This is the year of Darwin. 2009. You will hear much about it this year. This post and others that follow will offer another view.

Evolution is a science built on consensus. Like global warming caused by man. Like Galileo fought against. Like the Dr’s That Bled George Washington to death were in consensus.

Consensus. If the majority concurs on an idea, if it all makes human sense, and everyone agrees, that doesn’t make it right. It’s just consensus.

Over this year of Darwin I will from time to time post things about Darwin and the fruit of his consensus science for you to consider.

Darwin’s evolution theories are at the root of RACISM. I don’t believe Darwin was racist. I believe that people in consensus took Darwin and used the concept of evolution to fabricate a racist worldview.

It stands to reason, consensus:

People evolved from apes. This means that apelike people are more like apes than white folks. If we are supposed to become superior species, if we are supposed to cleanse the races for better evolution, we are responsible if we treat the lesser races as less.

I mean it’s evolution, right? And, if you would shoot a foal with a gimp leg, why would you not exterminate a flawed human? Margaret Sanger got it. Most of the forced sterilizations of planned parenthood were of black people.

In the early 20th century at the worlds fair a pygmy was put on display as an example of the missing link. That fueled the rise of racism in the early part of the century that gave rise to the KKK.

It only stood to reason, if apelike Negroes were inferior, a good “christian” thing to do is wipe them out. Hitler certainly bought this idea.

Racism wasn’t Darwin’s intent, it was an unintended consequence. Or was it? Here is the full title page of his book that we today call origin of the species. The full title is:

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

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