Sunday, January 11, 2009

Warming to Obama

I hate to admit this.

I'm warming to Obama. I suppose some of it is that his inauguration is in 9 days and even for me he is in a honeymoon period.

Some of it is because I want him to do well. I want him to succeed. I want him to be a good leader. I want him to be safe. I worry that some nutcase will succeed in assassination. I hope our homeland security folks, CIA, FBI and whomever else is out there are ultra vigilant. If we had an assassination right now I'm not very optimistic how it would flow thru out culture. Riots making Rodney King look like....My metaphor Machine goes tilt on seeking one.

I said I'm warming to him. He keeps coming up with surprising good news. He seems to be governing and sending hints that he is going to govern from not only the center but maybe more along the lines I care about.

I am not predicting anything. I wish Sarah Palin were there somewhere. Time is on her side.

But, Obama keeps doing things right. Clinton. Panetta, Summers....Good people.

Tax Cuts. Not closing Guantanamo. Staying the course in Iraq. Taking it to them in Afghanistan. Over and over again I am happily surprised at his decisions. I didn't vote for him, but I'm glad he is moving as he is.

I still struggle with the life and homosex issues.

One other thing, he seems to have more and more common sense on alternative energy. Something that with the ethanol subsidies and wind power government mandates his predecessor did not. I like his support of Photovoltaic.

So, President Obama, I wish you all the best. I want you to succeed. I will pray for you. I have asked churches to pray for him intensely. He needs our prayers.

I believe God can and just might invade his life supernaturally and he will govern as I believe Sarah Palin would have.
Not by might, not by power, but by MY Spirit says the Lord. Zechariah 4:6
Hope Faith and Love.... The Greatest is Love... I can pray.....


Ted said...

The nation owes more than thanks to three unlikely modern day patriots: professional poker player, musician, and retired attorney, Leo Donofrio; life long Democrat and former Pennsylvania assistant attorney general, Phil Berg; and Soviet emigree and attorney, Dr. Orly Taitz (she’s also a dentist).

While Mr. Donofrio painstakingly established the airtight case that BHO could not be an Article II “natural born citizen” (at BHO’s birth, dad was British/Kenyan, not American, citizen) Leo’s Stay of the 12/15/08 electoral college vote was denied by SCOTUS as procedurally unripe.

Nevertheless, since no congressman and senator objected on 1/8/09 to Congress’ count and certification of the electoral vote which would have turned resolution of Obama’s eligibility issue over to Congress — rendering moot the Berg and Taitz (Lightfoot) cases — Berg finally does achieve standing on the issue of actual harm, to be addressed at the Friday 1/9/09 SCOTUS Conference on Writ of Certiorari. Obama’s failure to submit evidence of his constitutional qualification for the 1/9/09 conference will mean he cannot thereafter challenge Berg’s request to enjoin the 1/8/09 Congressional electoral count and certification, albeit retroactive, scheduled for SCOTUS conference Friday 1/16/09. Moreover, Chief Justice Roberts has scheduled a full Court conference on the Lightfoot case Friday 1/23/09 in the event there needs to be a Constitutionally mandated action, the Inauguration itself, to enjoin retroactively.

Now that BHO is in checkmate and cannot be POTUS, he can be a patriot as well. He need not subject the nation to the expense and trauma of requiring SCOTUS to overrule his ‘Presidency’. BHO can and should voluntarily step down with Biden becoming Acting POTUS under the 20th Amendment, and under the agreement all potential claims by the Government for itself and on behalf of others against BHO are released.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Gene,
I really, really like this latest post. You are begining to sound like Grandpa did, when he was active in politics. I will never forget our fathers words to me and I have always remembered and relied on for my own faith...."when the election is over, and no matter who is put into office, you must support that person and have faith that he and his cabinet will make wise decisions." Dad also many times said to me when worldly affairs would be upsetting...."Barbie, I go to bed at night knowing that the leaders of our world know a heck of a lot more than we know, and I have to trust that they make wise decisions." Love, from Sister Barbie