Sunday, January 04, 2009

How Gullible are YOU?

I'm not that Gullible it appears. I took this test. So should you. If you did you might not be a liberal any more. That's a joke man. In all honesty, I think people that get suckered into things like the Bernie Madoff scam are just gullible. Time to grow up. My results:

Nobody can get one past you!

If somebody is looking for a sucker, they better look elsewhere. It's highly unlikely you'll buy into anyone's B.S. You're a skeptic at heart. As a child, you probably learned at an early age that the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny and Santa Claus were just figments of someone's wild imagination. It's your general rule that if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. With this mentality, you never get played for a fool or taken advantage of. Remember, sometimes it doesn't hurt to have an open mind. While it's OK to take things with a grain of salt, you never really know when somebody might be telling the truth. If it doesn't cost you anything, what's the harm in having a little bit of faith?

How you scored against others

58.49% 'Nobody can get one past you!'

40.63% 'You may be too gullible for your own good.'

0.88% 'You're a bonafide sucker.'

I keep thinking, if 58% of Americans aren't very gullible, why did Barack win??

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