Monday, January 05, 2009

Lou Engle sees Abortion and his Commission as Wilberforce saw his

Lou Engle is a man I admire for his singularity of purpose and mission.

He has written a piece you need to read if you care about the sin of abortion in our land.

It is here.

1 comment:

A. said...

'But I stand by the words of Dutch politician, journalist and theologian Abraham Kuyper: “When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then battle is your calling, and peace has become sin; you must, at the price of dearest peace, lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy, with all the fire of your faith.”'

Gene, this is an awesome quote, glad I cruised over here and stumbled upon it.

I realize this is meant to call people to stand up and ACT our convictions, particularly when it comes to the murder of the unborn--particularly poignant was the call for 'adoption'...

However, after I read it, I felt that these are the very points to make when someone makes the claim that they are pro-life and therefore 'against all war'.

I hold the belief that there are times we are expected to defend and protect innocent life as PART of keeping the commandment 'thou shall not kill', meaning that sometimes war is unavoidable, and even justified. If there is something we CAN do to stop murder, whether it is sending troops to do battle against a known enemy who is harming innocent life; or simply counseling a friend to keep her baby... if we do nothing, in either case, it can, depending on the circumstances of course, be a sin of 'omission' in my thought.

But that one line in the quote-- 'peace becomes sin' -- says all I am feeling about the subject of 'war' and the fifth commandment far more succinctly than my bumbling :)

Thanks for sharing.