Thursday, September 10, 2009


By Olufunso J Omidiran

I once read of someone who said ‘The fear of 9/11 is the beginning of wisdom’. This guy was apparently referring to the terrorist attack made by Islamists on America on September 11, 2001. It took the whole world by storm and the devastating effect still lives with us all till today. Unfortunately, this statement does not necessarily reflect the mind of God, even when it seems reasonable, but is at best, a flippant rhetoric of a natural man who is ignorant of God’s purpose for this age.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: BUT WE WILL REMEMBER the name of the LORD our God. They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright (Psalm 20:7, 8- emphasis added).

Come to think of it, the greatest known powers of this world were literally brought to a standstill by callous fanatics all of a sudden! It was such a phenomenal catastrophe of international magnitude. No one wishes for anymore of such except the remnant of terrorists whose views are always rigid, having been religiously brainwashed and demon possessed. You wonder why a human being can decide to kill fellow humans. There is more to it than meet the eyes. May the Lord open the eyes of this generation and turn them to Himself quickly.


There is a very serious and urgent lesson to be learnt by the western world as well as everyone who may care to hear. Those who refuse to tremble at God’s word will surely tremble before godless terrorists. The main reason why the defence of the loftiest world powers was reduced to ashes is because they have forsaken and rejected their God. They need to learn this lesson fast lest a worse thing happens. May the Lord help us and save us now! Fortunately, the elect people of God seem to have become more vigilant in the spirit since the 9/11 tragedy, but we haven’t done enough.

I feel very sorry for Western powers for they keep making the same mistake, doing the same thing and expecting a different result. For instance, you can see what has become of Great Britain whose Government keeps legislating and standing against God’s law and righteousness; a nation wherein Muslim fundamentalists gradually hold sway and make wave. Unlike their forefathers, Great Britain has refused to assert itself as a Christian nation. They even hate to hear anything that has to do with Jesus because they just don’t want to ‘offend’ non-Christians. They make life difficult for Christians and Christian activities; they do everything to frustrate evangelism and missions. They claim equality without equity; they hope to make peace with an implacable hydra-headed demon that does not desire peace. A battle is already lost when the Lord of Hosts is left out of it. Peace becomes elusive when men reject the Prince of Peace. Jesus is the Healer of the nations. But why do men choose the path of eternal failure?


Some few days ago, I was watching an Al Qaeda spokesman issuing a stern warning to the West saying, ‘Don’t mess with Muslims’. I wonder how comfortable this could be with our Muslim friends if peradventure this guy was indeed speaking on their behalf. But one thing is very clear, the man represents a world of perverted religious beliefs, of hardened fanatics who have been religiously brainwashed and cut out to destroy. They are set against another world̶ of secular God-hating irreligious self-seekers: this is the western world. The former claim to fight on behalf of the Almighty while the latter pretends as if there is no God at all! They are both deluded and ruled by the satanic prince of darkness.

They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that HE DOETH GOD SERVICE (John 16:2-note my emphasis).

What do the religious fanatics stand for? They believe that they are actually doing God service by killing His ‘enemies’ or ‘infidels’. They believe that they will be rewarded for killing, eliminating, plundering, torturing, raping and wasting non-Muslims. They also have a twisted definition of peace. They use every possible means to subdue and ‘convert’ a non-Muslim. They yet use further force and threat to keep all their followers in bondage through stiff laws and capital punishment for anyone that may change his/her view. There is a strong fear and insecurity among Islamists against Christians because our God is still saving men and turning men onto Himself. Hence, there is a relentless war of attrition against Christians by the world of Islam. Sometime ago, a dear friend of mine was to lead a missionary-relief team to war-torn Dafur region of Sudan and they were refused visa by the authorities and prevented from helping the poor people simply because they were Christians.


God has been sending warning signals to the entire world through various natural and unnatural disasters in recent times; we must not take these for granted. We have seen outbreaks of deadly diseases, hurricane, typhoon, tsunami, earthquakes, fire-outbreaks and so forth. Men in their foolishness fear the threats of terrorists who are mere mortals and they refuse to pay attention to God’s warning. The living God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is calling all nations back to Himself; willing to save and grant them true peace. He says ‘Without Me, you can do nothing’ and that is the truth of the matter (John 15:5). Do you know that this is the best time for everyone to repent and acknowledge Jesus the Prince of Peace as Lord? America and other western powers devote much of their budget to defence and security, but they cannot stand without God, the Only True Defence and Refuge. The rulers of the nations must give room for the gospel and allow the truth to thrive. It is the Christians who pray, intercede and move the hand of the Lord to save our nations. How long will the nations give room for Satan and hinder the cause of Christ Jesus? There is no doubt about it; those nations which apparently began with God and now reject Him have removed the ancient landmarks and will suffer for it if they do not heed God’s warning. Shalom.

(Healing unto the Nations)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The day I watched as planes were used as weapons against us I knew 'life as we had known it' would was gone. On 9/11 the western Jews, the grafted in ones, were united with the original branch; Their enemies were now our enemies. To be sure, no where on earth holds more of Abraham's seed then the U.S. The Holocaust had brought a few to this understanding.
God's word has already judged the greed, fraud and the love of money that is so rampant in the West. Its days are numbered and those who refuse to come out of it.
Many of those who voted for Obama did so believing he would accomplish that which only comes from following God's word.