Tuesday, September 08, 2009

When Stupid Speaks

Sorry to call someone stupid, but reading this from Fast Company's blog I was astounded by his ignorance.

You can read the blog here. And read the comments. They cut this dim view off at the knees. As they should.

Here's the money line:

I guess the thing I’m wondering is if the pressure against him was about his statements or actions, or really about opposition to efforts to create green jobs, make buildings more energy efficient, and use more renewable energy.

It’s hard for me to believe that people can be opposed to such a thing. It’s as if someone were to say “I’m opposed to cleaning up the environment and creating jobs for people.” Which is the same as: “I am in favor of pollution, and against jobs and economic growth.”

Jones has been portrayed as a radical of late, as a riot-loving, racist communist. There are probably a few connections or comments in his past that he regrets. But this should not have detracted from his work creating hope for the inner city and for people everywhere with better and cleaner jobs and businesses.

What lies ahead still could be an even greater challenge--solving climate change. There is no lack of people who still loudly claim that climate change is not real, that it is a liberal fabrication. It is not.
It's that kind of thinking that got us into this mess. I hope his tribe decreases.

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