Sunday, February 26, 2012

The reason we lose our freedoms, our economy, our independence, our homes, our wars, our government, our families, our rights, our security, our safety, our right to make our own decisions is because we do NOT recognize who our true enemies are. The enemy we face in every area of our lives is a destructive enemy. Whatever you see in your life and around the world that destroys is the work of the enemy. We think we can appease them. We believe we can make a peace pact with them. We think we can accommodate them. We think we can let them have just a little power over us and they will be satisfied. In our personal, regional, statewide, national and global environment, anything less than total victory, total crushing of the enemy is defeat. We won't tolerate that in our personal lives if we are a Christian, why do we tolerate it in our natural lives? Jesus on the cross didn't pay for MOST of the sins of the world. He didn't mostly defeat the devil. He destroyed in total victory the works of the evil one. We are the ones who allow the enemy to come back in, this is not just about sin, this is about everything in our lives.

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