Thursday, March 01, 2012

birth certificate a 'forgery'

“Based on all of the evidence presented and investigated, I cannot in good faith report to you that these documents are authentic,” SheriffArpaio said. “My investigators believe that the long-form birth certificate was manufactured electronically and that it did not originate in paper format as claimed by the White House.”

Questions over Mr. Obama’s birth certificate have been a political sideshow for the last four years, and have persisted despite repeated denials by the White House, and despite the release of evidence he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on Aug. 4, 1961. That evidence included both a certificate of live birth released during the 2008 campaign and the long-form certificate last year.

Fact-check organizations have concluded the certificates are authentic, and Mr. Obama has joked about those who questioned his birth. At last year’s White House Correspondents Association Dinner, soon after releasing his long-form certificate, he mocked Donald Trump, who had said his own investigators were looking into the matter.

Now Sheriff Arpaio, who first built his national profile by creating tent cities for jail inmates and later by taking a tough stance on illegal immigration, could reignite questions among those who continue to believe Mr. Obama was born outside the U.S., and therefore is ineligible to be president under the Constitution’s provision that the officeholder be a natural-born citizen.

Sheriff Arpaio: Obama birth certificate a 'forgery' - Washington Times

1 comment:

Fallout said...

Just think...a trained group of investigators has just concluded that the sitting president has been using fraudulent documents to prove his birthright to hold the office. Not only that but his selective service card is also suspect.

In what should have been a news event has instead been reported as either the birthers are at it again or made it about Sheriff Arpaio problems with the Justice Dept. (I wonder why?) The media's grip on the nation has cowed even those who believe that there is something to investigate. Not even the fair and balanced O'Reilly Factor* had a mention of it. He and others must think that reporting the results of the investigation will damage their creditability.

How did we get to that point? Because the media insists that the reports of Obama being born outside of the country has been “debunked time after time.” And if you question it anymore you are either an unsaveable idiot or a racist.

*If I missed it then please correct me.