Saturday, July 21, 2012


Growing up in North Dakota there was a time when there were some problems in our county. The local sheriff deputized several trustworthy citizens incognito. Armed them. Trained them. They weren't cops, they were deputies. Not professionals, just men of honor and character. You never knew for sure who was or was not. They didn't flaunt their power. Most of these men were WWII vets. Men who had been military trained. There were enough and they were determined to stop what was going on. That simple act was sufficient to put a stop to the situation at hand. Now we have situations like you have seen recently, flash mob violence, robberies by punks on the street, shootings in the theater, inner city gang violence. There are people in the communities who are ex military men of honor who want to see things get better. Maybe it's time to deputize them. Arm them. Let the thugs know they exist. And see what happens. Seems like knowing there are armed air marshals who just might be on board has slowed down hijackings some. What if every few blocks in troubled neighborhoods had a deputy authorized to take action if some bad stuff starts to go down. I have to believe there are men of honor who would be prepared to take back their community.

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