Tuesday, July 17, 2012

People think I hate President Obama....Not TRUE

He has many qualities I admire
1. He's a gifted orator when he's well rehearsed. (Not great ad libber)
2. He's a nice looking man - Some women would even say sexy
3. He dresses well
4. He has good manners and good social skills when he needs them
5. He loves his wife and she seems to love him
6. He's a great daddy to his girls
7. He's from Chicago, my adopted home town
8. He likes good music
9. He's a good singer
10. He keeps in good shape and eats a well balanced diet

Those are admirable qualities. As admirable as they are, they do not qualify him at any level for the job he signed up for nearly 4 years ago. History has shown what many of us knew early on. He is unqualified at many levels to be President of the USA. He has many good qualities that garnered him votes in 2008. Those good qualities that fooled some once will not fool all of them again.

Here's why I believe he is unqualified to be President and should not be re-elected.

He has surrounded himself with people who do not respect the law nor the constitution
He has made fiat appointments (Czars) and executive orders rather than legislate
He has a very poor understanding of business operations having never been there
He is ignorant in basic economic theory and their arguments for and against
He has a bias toward socialism and a friendliness with Communism that bothers me
He doesn't seem to grasp how much the world sees him as weak and spineless
He can't seem to get the respect of the armed services as commander in chief
He has connections to Chicago corruption that is troublesome... many
He has not been effective in allowing the economy to expand
He has a belief in government beyond it's capacity for influence. General Motors IE
He is not passionate about the USA in it's exceptionalism as a nation of destiny
He has a religion that is not really Christian, yet says the right words
He is what most people in business would call an empty suit. All hat and no cattle.

His refusal to deal with illegal immigration even at a minimal level, a failure to support the defense of marriage act, his support of abortion and same sex marriage, his desire to see guns out of the hands of citizens, his hobbling of the energy sector by a refusal to grant permits, his blatant crony capitalism which enriches his friends and impoverishes the rest of us.

The list is and can be longer then that. He has never met a payroll. Has never held a real job in his life. His senatorial stature at the state and national level was limited. He voted seldom, didn't sponsor much of consequence and his most common voting status was PRESENT

Last and most troubling, he persists in asking for things he won't provide. We know little about his school days, his life as a young person, his heroes (actually we know one, FRANK, and it's terrifying that this man is a hero), his childhood. We know nothing other than the official things HE provides. Why not lay the cupboard open as he is asking Romney to do? I will create such a list for Romney as well. Not tonight, but when you hold them up beside each other, Romney isn't perfect...but he's a darn-sight better as a presidential candidate then Obama is after one term.

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