Friday, August 04, 2006


I know some of you like it better when I write my own stuff. Sometimes I do too. But when something like this comes across I just have to reprint it for those who may not get it directly. Olfunso Omadarin is a Pastor of a mighty ministry in Nigeria. I read what he writes, I have spoken with him by phone several times. I know he and I are nothing less than true brothers in Christ.

The rapture is a theology I waffled on for a while. I no longer do. The closer I get the more I long for that sounding trumpet. Evenso come Lord Jesus.

RAPTURE! Culmination of the mystery of all ages
The climax of salvation story, rallying point of all history
On that day, the truth shall be exalted above all lies
When the patience of the saints will be rewarded
The day when the hope of the elect will be realized

RAPTURE! The long awaited vindication of the righteous
It is the hour of gloom and doom for the backslider
It is the moment when the eternal ultimatum will be reached
When the Word of faith that men disdained and despised
Shall be confirmed in heaven and endorsed on earth

RAPTURE! When the harvest of the nations shall be full
The grave shall lose its power and the dead in Christ shall rise
The lovers of the truth, the martyrs of faith shall rejoice
The Resurrection-our expectation will come to manifestation
Those who are alive but dead to sin will be changed

RAPTURE! In a twinkle of an eye will all be gone!
For abject mortality shall put on absolute immortality
And weaknesses shall give way to priceless strength
The eternal will of God will be fulfilled in all nations
And the expectation of the saints will be resurrected

RAPTURE! It is the hour of an amazing judgment
When the unexpected will happen before the on-lookers
Men will be amazed at the sudden change in all nations
Petrified, dismayed, discomfited , frustrated and dazed
Flimsy excuses of men will be hopeless and needless

RAPTURE! Men who refused the gospel will run for cover!
Even those who frittered away opportunities to be saved
Skeptics will be drowned in the ocean of their doubts
Yea, the ignoramus will not be spared the rod for their folly
True men have beheld the Lamb in His blessed Word

RAPTURE! They shall also see Him sin His awesome glory!
But the remnant of the rebels shall be lost in their fiery gory
Wherefore shall careless men escape the certain judgment?
The beauty of the Saviour they must behold now
The message of the gospel they must receive now

RAPTURE! The power that saves is meant for all and onto all
But the joy of salvation will only be for those who believe
Iniquity is attractive only to those who must perish
The rage of hell is as a cruel and worrisome magnet
Unto which men of unbridled lust and sinful quest are drawn

RAPTURE! And the King shall appear in His majestic glory
As the trumpet is sounded with the shout of the Archangel
And then shall the saints rejoice in His ineffable glory
But endless woe betide all the company of transgressors!
Even their hopeless end, the endless shame of faithless men

Here is the mystery of the RAPTURE, an unmistakable story

-Olufunso J. Omidiran

1 comment:

NodakJack said...

I'm a RUPTURE guy myself.