Saturday, August 25, 2007

Glug Glug Glug

We are wet, really really wet.
Oh, Peggy and I are dry enough. The ol Sump Pump cranks away much of the day lifting the water from below the floor to outdoors. 
But since 1987 I haven't seen it this wet.  We have had 15" of rain in 25 days.  That does things to the ground, rivers, ponds, streams, basements, roads, sewers, electrical infrastructure etc.  All not good.  Even growing things don't prosper when it gets that wet. I have some dracaena and yucca in planters that just rotted off in the wet.
There is damage, a lot of damage.  People who built houses like I would like to build 4 feet off the river have a much better view of the river from their living room by looking straight down than they used to have.  Their shoes disappeared in their living room while on their feet.
Oh, it will go away to flood some poor downstream mope and then down from that.  We don't hold water on the land anymore.  We just flush it.  Now we pay the price.  Then those down river.
It's not as bad as Winnona MN where several people were killed when a flooding river washed them away.  I don't know the circumstances of that but it appears that people drove into fast moving water and were washed into eternity.
We have those kinds here too.  Pictures from underpasses with Humvees and Toyota 4 runners up to their doors from too much water and flooded out.  Then some nutcase in a Chevy Caviler says, "yea, I can make it" and 5 minutes later he is having to roll down his window to escape for his life and his car is totaled. 
Somehow my pity quotient for this kind of stupidity is less than it should be.  If I were the insurance company I would review my policy on writing that idiot a check.
But all in all, we are really wet.  I saw a bright round thing in the sky this morning.  I wonder what that is?

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