Friday, August 17, 2007

Thanking the Wrong Guy

I have been receiving a number of calls, emails and letters from men who attended the Lord of Life retreat last weekend. It was a powerful experience and men's lives were changed and will change. My hope is that Christians were born anew in that retreat, sold out, passionate and full of reckless grace, mercy and love towards Jesus and towards others.

My concern is that some of these guys think it is about Don and Gene. It's not. The first couple notes were thank you notes like the ones below:

I want to thank you for getting the ball rolling and making this retreat possible.

Don and Gene, thanks for everything last weekend…you guys did an awesome job!

Gene, Can't wait to see you Saturday. Thank-you for all the hard work you and Don put in to the retreat ("advancement"). What an awesome experience.

Good to hear but misdirected in thanks. Then, yesterday and today I have received notes that more accurately describe the nature of the retreat and who really deserves the thanks.

Please continue to pray for his guidance and that I may hear his voice.

And phone calls:

I'm in a situation right now where I am going to really need the grace and mercy of God. This retreat connected me with Him in a way I never knew before.

This is what I have been searching for. I have always been a Christian but never went deep enough to develop the relationship and relationships with Him and other Christians I am so hungry for.

I have been a member of this church for years serving where I can yet I have talked with more men at a deeper level in the last 3 days than I have in the last 3 years. I have been so alone and now I feel like I am home and in touch with HIM an others again.

The one that touched me the most is a letter I got yesterday from a man who was a last minute attendee:

Thank you for sharing your pain as you told your story. God spoke to me as I heard it. In my situation my wife and I can't solve the hurt and pain in our marriage by ourselves. God said to me as you spoke, "Let ME do it because you can't". Praise God! I now have HIM and 49 other brothers in Christ praying for and with me for the victory.

Now, THAT is what it's all about. I don't do this for the thanks. Oh, it's good to hear but it's short lived. I do what I do because people begin thanking the right man, Jesus the Christ!

In heaven if just ONE is there because of my obedience to the call, I'm willing and available. My concern is for the families who live within 20 miles of my home. I'm not interested in going off to far countries of downtrodden areas. Spiritually we live in the most downtrodden foreign country to the Gospel of Jesus on the planet. Kane County. Our mission field is easy to get to. We can fall out of bed and be in it.

I am accountable for the souls within my purveyance. I take that as a serious responsibility.

I am also quick to thank HIM (The right one to thank) for that charge.

The vision still stands: Reaching the Fox Valley with the Fullness of the Gospel. We must have a full expression of all the Love of Jesus in our community. We aren't there yet.

Let's do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you show a false modesty - your message - that it is not you - could have been conveyed without detailing the grand praises you have received - but you WANT us to know about them, don't you?