Thursday, September 13, 2007

Kid Nation

When liberals are in charge you get the one word children learn first. NO.

The kids from congress are now running the country . They whine, wail and refuse to cooperate. Just like little kids. Then accuse and play all kinds of power games. Just like little kids.

I know this is a phase, but when do the adults come home? I'm really sick of this foolishness and so should you be.

Harry Ried wants to blame the Republicans for everything. To paint all Republicans with the same Iraqi brush. To heck with the country, My party tis of thee.

Nancy Pelosi is acting like a spoiled child. She says she feels insulted. WAAAAA

If Jesus himself was nominated to be Attorney General the kiddies in Congress wouldn't confirm him. Ted Olsen is a good man and should be confirmed. They won't. This is what you get when you let the kids try to run the nation.

Reid has declared any plan for Iraq unacceptable.

What that means is we will now have any movement, any cooperation, any progress because of the so called progressives.

The kid leaders only say NO. And those are the leaders. How about the ones who don't get so much sycophantic press. The real nutcases.

If you voted for any Democrat in the last election I hope you really like what a mess we have now. Anarchy and stagnation.

We need the parents to come back home and spank these children. I sometimes wish Bush had the power to just wipe the slate clean like Putin did yesterday. I don't really but when I see this kind of stupidity I understand it a little.

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