Sunday, September 09, 2007

Klingons in Aurora IL

I know a man from the Lutheran Church who is an apartment owner.  He has regaled me with many stories of evictions, drug dealers and such. 
None impressed me as much as the story he has of a few men who share an apartment he owns who live as Klingons.  You know, Worf and all.  Star Trek Next Gen.
As I understand it they have jobs.  They do those jobs as civilians.  But when they are home on the "mother planet" (apartment) they speak only Klingon to each other.  They wear Klingon regalia.  And observe Klingon ritual. 
Klingon is one of the worlds manmade invented languages.  There are several.  Esperanto was the most famous but there are many more.  J R R Tolkien loved to invent languages which is why there several in his books.  Orc, Middle Earth, Fairy etc.  Klingon is the most widespread other than Esperanto. There is even a translation of the Bible in Klingon.  I have to get me one of those Klingon Language Versions (KLV).
In any case it's just one of the Joys of living in a large metropolitan area.  We didn't have that many Klingons as neighbors in Fargo.

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