Saturday, November 03, 2007

Immediate Ways to Remedy the US Oil Shortage in 6 months

Let me be clear. The oil shortage is not about oil, it's about liquid fuels that we use every day to keep our economic engine running for transportation and heating. We don't have a fuel shortage, we have a liquid fuel shortage. Here are immediate remedies that we could and should implement at once to roll back our foolish usage. The USA is the biggest user of oil by a long shot. That means you we can make a huge impact with little change. It's time to see what can be done about all that without the blinders put on by global warming eco-nazis and the sycophantic politicians that bow to them. IF I were King:

Use ONE only year round formulation for gasoline and diesel. Only ONE. Allow the refiners to gear up and produce this in spades. The more they produce of one formulation the more efficient they will get recovering more and more from narrow cracking procedures.

Abolish public education under the age of 13 -- Full Stop. Home, church and chartered coop neighborhood schools do so much better than all the teacher union driven messes called schools do now. Oh, it would be publicly funded, but privately run. Think of the fuel just closing those big drafty buildings would save. PLUS, think of the savings from all the wasted money on school busing little kids. Then, if a child graduates from elementary school (8th grade) they can go on to "Prep" school or another route like a technical school for a couple years. That would use SOME of the buildings and we could bus some of those kids but some of those kids would stay in dorms on campuses. The better buildings could be used for Prep schools, the poorer ones in a city converted to living quarters. Public education has failed horribly in the USA, let's put a fork in it and save fuel we waste doing nothing.

Recognize that Kyoto, carbon dioxide reduction and all related is inconsequential to the natural cycle of climate change. Pollution in sparse population centers is not an issue. If a coal plant somewhere in the Dakotas or Wyoming is located a hundred miles from any Major population areas then let her rip. Take off all restraints, scrubbing, all the other foolishness. Burn all the coal you can an generate electricity. Some of that electricity can be used to create liquid fuels from coal.

Quit creating ethanol at a net BTU loss. It wastes fuel, unless we can do it burning other lost resources such as used tires. Tires should be used as a fuel source in coal plants and these ethanol plants to capture the liquid oil sluffed off for refining. You get a lot of liquid oil from a single tire when you burn it.

Make backhaul trucking a reality again. There are too many trucks making too many empty trips because they can charge consumers for the whole turn. Trucking has become an inefficient transportation system. Mandate a load both ways. Use the ICC to influence truckers to maximize the use of the fuel they are buying. Finding a back haul is a lost art for many truckers. Too many trucks are dead heading home wasting fuel.

Limit the amount of police do patrolling in vehicles (read that just driving around wasting gasoline). Put cops on the beat on feet. Use technology to dispatch for emergencies. There are too many cops on the road and not enough ready to respond. In the 50's the amount of driving around was unthinkable. And, some of that neighborhood patrolling can be done in very high mileage automobiles or on Segways, Bikes or electric vehicles. In Germany all the patrol cars are little tiny Volkswagens or Bicycles. Not the big gas guzzlers we use in the USA.

OFF ROAD. Agriculture should pay the same price for fuel as everyone else, tax included, as should construction. Fuel is fuel and the advantage causes uses that are not worthwhile. It's false competition for resources.

Burn wood instead of Heating oil in centralized outdoor boilers. Use high smoke stacks to shunt the smoke high into the air and avoid local pollution. If every freestanding community under 5000 population in America allowed this for homes heated currently using oil to heat hot water boilers it would save huge amounts of fuel for other purposes, not provide any serious pollution since it's only in very small towns and it has a zero net effect on CO2 generation if that's a concern for you. One wood boiler per block would heat all the homes on that block for far less money than we are spending now. Plus it would use surplus wood for fuel saving landfill space and cleaning up the underbrush in forests. Most of these big boilers only need to be stoked once per day. They are sophisticated operations. People would only pay based on the heat they use.

Make it legal with incentives to burn used engine oil, waste oil, lard, cooking oils, industrial oils, any oils for energy production. This could be implemented thru adaptive technologies for commercial businesses. Recovery of these oils adds back to liquid fuels. The fact that we waste ANY liquid oil in any form whatsoever in any way is a crime. It should all be burned.

For anyone who currently own an automobile older than 1987 can turn it in for a subsidized purchase of an automobile that gets 27 MPH highway. These transactions would have far more incentive and effect than the current foolish incentives to buy a hybrid car. The net effect would be getting a large number of 15 MPH vehicles off the road in favor of those that get 27 MPH. This is a financing tax incentive program and would have the most impact on the fuel use. It is a zero cost impact on the government.

All of these things could be done in 6 months and would have an impact on oil usage.

Other areas of examination shortly after that:

Commercial and municipal buildings heated by oil to be converted to Natural Gas, coal or some other form. Remember, the shortage is LIQUID fuel. Not gas.

Airlines should do ride consolidations. Some flights shouldn't be made. Before deregulation you could in fact fly any flight with any flight coupon. That saved fuel.

Get all permits for state of the art refining systems on line now. Same for all permits for Nuclear. If we are going to become energy independent we are going to need alternatives.

The conversion of poly and tires and any other organic materials to liquid oil and gas is very exciting. The technology exists.

The apparent practicality to take 10 million acres of the poorest desert (about 1/6th the size of Nevada) and waste land in areas near the ocean to produce algae that is 50% oil is an expensive undertaking but very practical. 10 million acres replaces all the oil we use now. It could be distributed into 250 acre farms. This is something needing to be done quickly.

Human and animal waste streams should be bioreduced to produce methane (natural gas). It is a crime to sluff off these gasses without making use of them.

We can and should be smarter in freeing up liquid fuels for transportation and use the easier to find gas and alternative fuels quickly. The technology exists to do all this.

I didn't mention wind and photo voltaic power. Frankly it's a long way off and still a pipe dream. IF there were a power shortage after we crank up more coal and nuclear plants in more places and let em rip. Supplement if you want the wind and solar but it's peanuts.

Anyone have any other ideas? I know there is stupid waste in the system I know someone can put their finger on and we can put our finger in the leaky liquid fuels dike.


Anonymous said...

#1 If the one and only fuel produced is the one now mandated in CA which has DRAMATICALLY cleaned our air…I’m ok with this…

#2 Home school kids to save gas??? Wow, I didn’t realize you were that far gone Gene. Isn’t home schooling just a way to trick kids into believing that the earth is only 6000 years old and that dinosaurs and humans co existed?

#3 Still bothered by science I see. Air pollution travels by ….air. You can’t stop it once it’s up there. Ever see the stats from the Chinese pollution drift? Even Billow Reilly wants cleaner air. Why on earth would you remove scrubbers and all other lung saving nonsense?

#4 Now your getting some where.

#5 OK, but where are the measures for industry to reduce pollutants?

#6 Yep, makes sense to me.

#7 If the cops are on the road (re: everywhere) wouldn’t they be in a better position to respond rapidly? Where is the call for the auto industry to use existing technology to increase fuel efficiency? When a police contract for new cars comes up….mandate fuel efficient patrol cars.

#8 Yep, I agree here too. It’s a little off subject, but I would throw water into this line item as well.

#8 As a tree hugger I gotta say no to this. Isn’t this trading one depleting fuel source for another? Where is the call for wind generated AC. Where is the call for solar? Where is the call for hydro generated AC? And who would want to live in a once bucolic community now obscured with thousands of high shunt smoke stacks? Who would want to live downwind from a once bucolic community using shunts to avoid local pollution?

#9 Gene, you closet liberal you. Recycling is a wonderful idea.

#10 Is this a big government housing mandate, comrade? Will your new world order regulate housing costs and the number of housing units available or mandate an individuals’ proximity to jobs or mandate business locations? Would you mandate industries to repatriate their factories to American soil? Hey…that’s not a bad idea.

#11 Again…no solar, wind, hydro

#12 Ok

#13 Tires into fuel …great as long as the resulting pollution is kept under control. Tires make great sidewalks and an asphalt component too. A fortune can be made shredding used tires.

#14 I never heard of the algae solution…looks great!

#15 Waste into fuel…great

#16 AAAAAHHH finally wind, photo voltaic…WHAT? Peanuts you say… aren’t all of the non oil options you offer here currently just peanuts and a long way off? How about investing in non polluting, regenerating albeit somewhat limited power sources. From what I have read, everyone poops, except for the current vice president of course, so that qualifies as a renewable energy source. The Veep by virtue (probably not the best word use in a sentence with him as the subject) of his accumulated bio-mass could be burnt as an offering to a god of some sort and power the VA hospital in Bethesda for years. I also read somewhere that the sun shines on the earth. Imagine the hectares of solar panels in areas once thought of as wastelands. Imagine with increased R and D spending the technology that is now lacking and produces as you say peanuts, could produce super peanuts, megawatt peanuts…jiggawatt peanuts! We did put a man on the moon in just a few years didn’t we? I offer that it is the lack of imagination that is limiting new energy source...burning logs to keep warm, come on now it’s a new century my man.

What about all the fuel used to put animal carcasses on your dinner plate?
Why not have personal nuclear power plants in every garage?
What about wearing a sweater at home in the winter?
What about mandating everyone pedal a generator while they watch TV?
What about raising the temp by 5 degrees in air-conditioned buildings?
What about mass transit?
Why not build all future housing units around pizza shops and use the expended oven heat to warm the cockles of Tiny Tim’s heart.
America produces crude oil and fuel…why are we selling our crude and I assume fuel to other countries and importing the same from other countries?
If oil revenue sharing is a goal in Iraq…why are we not sharing oil revenues here?

The lead quote from your link to American Energy Independence site:

“ my opinion, there never was a good War, or a bad Peace. What vast additions to the Conveniences and Comforts of Living might Mankind have acquired, if the Money spent in Wars had been employed in Works of public utility!”

— Benjamin Franklin, 1783 - quoted from a letter to Joseph Banks.

How about a world wide peace?

Tell me again what is the ratio of our defense spending compared to the next top ten countries combined? Tell me what we could spend one tenth of our current defense spending on to reduce our dependence on imported oil.

Have a great Sunday Gene.

Anonymous said...

You are quite the blogger guy now. Old dog new tricks…I never believed that one anyway.

But Gene, it’s been so long since I was an active commenter that I have forgotten some (all) of the HTML code thingies. How do I create a link without dragging the heart/bookmark thingy over to the comment section.

Thanks in advance.


Anonymous said...

Look out now, I am a dangerous man armed with Redlin supplied HTML.

coal in China