In any case, I have had friends who for various reasons were effective people but for some reason decided to start using prozac, zoloft and other mind control substances to help level their mood out.
I don't want any Van Gogh's I know to cut off their ears, but there is a place for a bit of anger, pain and mania to drive us creatively. I pity the poor person who suffers neither great joy, nor great sadness, who live in a constant flat line of mediocrity of an uncaring uncommitted, uninvolved aloofness from life that really never exists except in the netherworld of the drug.
This comic from Sunday's comics is sort of funny except its terribly sad. Kids in school, little kids who are active and alive are drugged with Ritalin because the schools want to feminize boys and control girls. We live in a horrible world if that is our future. No ups and no downs.
I have both. I hope you do too. Sometimes my ups are really up and my downs really down but they are alive vibrant and real. No drugs for me thank you.

Tell it brother….No drugs for me either…I awith you all the way
(Except for the HP thingys for you of course and advil for me and vitamin C…)
Have you read (gezzz, I’m sure you have) about the suicide rate of kids who take those anti depressant drugs? Ya know what I think…ITS BIG PHARMA!!! BIG BUSINESS!!!! BIG BAD MONEY GRUBBING SCREW THE PEOPLE COPRORATIONS!!! It’s all about the money honey. Tell me I'm wrong.
Hey where’s the picture of your welded rusty bumper art homage to the commie pagan left leaning leaf eating tree hugging anti American that now makes up more that ½ our country's population?
I really hope you follow through and do that…for yourself.
Whatcha gonna do new years eve?
I have kids I care about on these drugs. Big Pharma and Big Money and Big Oil are bad. Bet you didn't think I thought that way. I'm not even a Wal Mart fan.
I'm hoping that they will be exposed. I've said it before that other than being right on the war, the R's would have lost me on lots of issues. I'm not alone. That's why the secular right fears the Conservative Christian. We aren't beholden much to the big money.
They can't "own" us like they do the R's in Congress and the White House.
So, you are not wrong.
We are going to church on New Years eve. Ring in the new year praising God. Good stuff.
If you have the inclination, Right NOW on GodTV at the URL below you can watch on your computer what I'm watching right now on tv. I wish I were there. This is part of what my "group" looks like. I'm a lot older than the most of them. But I'm with then in spirit. I was there the day this ministry started in Kansas City. I know these folks.
Take a peek here:
Uuummmm, I’m dial up, Gene…not so good for video.
What are your thoughts on publicly financed elections? Yeah we all have to chip in a buck or two every year, but it would take out BIG PHARMA and the like and keep our reps working for us instead of working to get a donation. The big money players will scream about 1rst amendment rights and such but there must be a way to placate them. We have to get the money out of our election system. Heck we pay for it anyway. The money the biggies donate to candidates comes from what we pay extra for their products. Do you know how the K street project worked? Sickening really.
What is your gut feeling about r108. We have been at each other for a few days now. Great fun. I never saw such an obtuse man in my life. But I haven’t looked in the mirror yet today.
I’ll get back to you on that.
Take care
I hope your son is doing well
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