Friday, February 08, 2008

Let your Yes be Yes and not I am, or I did

OK, I'll admit, it's a pretty short road to Glengarry in irritation land.  But there is a cultural goofiness that has taken a place in our language and I'm hoping it will soon go away.
If you asked someone ten years ago if they were cold or not they would say,  YES of NO. 
Today if they are cold they will say, I am.
There are variations of this phrase starting with I.  I am, I'm not, I'm sure, etc.   Start listening in conversation and you will hear it  It's on every talk radio program.  It's everywhere. 
What ever happened to YES?  or NO?
There is some influence from the east coast here somehow.  What we forget is there is only one great I Am.
It isn't you.  Cut it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your comments call to mind the never-ending surprise-remark heard on TV, radio, and anywhere you go...."OMG! OhMyGod! Jesus said, "simply let your 'yes' be 'yes',and your 'no', 'no'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one" !!