Saturday, February 09, 2008

Revelation as Worship might be the Point

I have been less interested in end time things of late. Perhaps since end times seem less distant than they did 20 years ago. So, I don't stay up nights thinking about end times much.

I will admit I have had my Eschatology cage rattled of late. Steve Scott has an interesting survey. The one thing I know for certain is no one knows anything. Those that do are fooling themselves. No one knows the day, the hour, the time, the season, the signs. We have clues from Jesus but what they mean and how they are applied is up for grabs.

But, like all struggles with certain passages of Scripture good comes from it. That has happened for me. I have come to the conclusion that we as the church have misapplied the long passages from the book of Revelation of Jesus.

I am convinced that we can take every chapter and read long passages from it in a public worship setting and all by itself they will reveal the victorious Jesus to us.

That light bulb going off in my head and spirit has caused me to reread the whole book as a worship liturgy.

It works.

Last night at the House of Prayer I read a long passage in public from Chapters 18 and 19. In it people were encouraged, I was encouraged, people's worship level went up, a long way. Suddenly the reality of Jesus was less distant.

Maybe that's what the book was written for. Maybe that's why as Christians we are told to read this. Maybe we have made a mistake using it for end times definition alone.

Don't get me wrong, I think there are end time issues in there. But, to use it only as a historical future look at Jesus work on the earth and in the heavens without the worship component misses the point.

But, I don't know any more than you do (and you don't know).

I'll be honest, I think this is an area where seminary in traditional denominations picks people's pockets. We need to let the richness back in. Quit walking a path that only allows for one view.

There's too much here not to ask the questions. Maybe your eschatological sacred cow needs to be barbecued. Mine was.

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