Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Painful Truth and Why McCain can't win

Mr Patterson posted this last night. We are doomed as a party. Thanks for nothing Rush.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Posted by: Duane R. Patterson at 12:55 AM

This was from Fox News Channel with Brit Hume hosting, about an hour ago. Watch how fast Fox cuts out of John McCain's anemic 'we will bring the party together' speech and goes to Prince Barack. And this is supposed to be the conservatives' network. The funny thing is I don't blame them for making the switch. I would have, too.

Also notice the optics here. John McCain, flanked by his mother, his wife, grey-haired Charlie Crist, and Democrat Joe Lieberman. The cumulative age of all five in the shot is 332 years old.

Now go to the Barack shot. There is 13 people behind Barack. Average mean age? Twentysomething. If you add up the ages of all of them, it's still less than the five people in the John McCain shot.

Our side looked like a 60th high school reunion, and their side looks like the Peace Corps.

It's going to be a long nine months.


Anonymous said...

Maybe an even longer 16 years.

God willing. (sorry bout dat)

goprairie said...

i feel almost sorry for you. okay i feel actually sorry for you. perhaps lunch at the arboretum and a nice winter walk in the prairie will cheer you?