Saturday, September 27, 2008

Debate o Rama

I watched the debate last night like millions of others. My opinion is about as good as George Stephanopoulos'.

In the interest of equal time here are a few things I took away from the debate:

  • Hey Barry, John is a senator. He was when you were still riding your tricycle. He treats you with respect. Try being a little less arrogant buddy. It's Senator McCain to you.
  • The war is won. There were missteps. John McCain didn't declare the war. He went along with all the evidence at his disposal just like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton in 2002 did. You are trying to hang a defeat that you tried to engineer around the neck of the guy who almost singlehandedly got Rummy fired and the war won. What a weasel you are. The American People know it.
  • Barry, I checked the ballot. I didn't see George Bush's name on it anywhere. He's retiring. Running against GWB is good politics but bad reality. Not that it ever bothered you in the past.
  • It's great that you did a little research so you could name all the people in NATO. Did your homework did you? OK. Would be better if you actually knew anything about these countries rather than have to cram for the exam. It was really obvious.
  • I looked at ya Barry, Thought about Russia, Thought about Iran, Thought about China. Thought about you sitting eye to eye with them, outclassed comes to mind.
  • SO, you claim you were against the war in 2002. You were a Junior State Senator in Springfield Illinois voting Present and trying to find the men's room when all that was going down. You couldn't pay your bills. Rezco hadn't yet greased your palm. You were a nothing. Still are.
  • You are a self important puff piece who knows how to cram for a test. You are comparing yourself to George Bush. The only difference between George Bush and you is he actually did something before he became President. Ball Team. Oil Company. Governor of a state. You've done, what: Community organized and voted present.

You are woefully inadequate for the job. You are Chauncy Gardner. Glib empty suit. The story is about you Barry:

Lefties constantly confuse glibness with intelligence (although intelligent people can be glib as well.) Obama is a glib master of esoteric B.S. and nothing more–and what good, ultimately, is esoteric B.S? Non-existent real, solid accomplishments and little demonstration of the superior “judgment” he constantly claims he possesses in such abundance.

Many years ago a sweet young thing with whom I was semi-seriously involved, in one of our tender moments looked up into my eyes and said: “Are you really smart? Or are you just glib?”

It was at that moment that I realized that I was going to have to drop her like a hot potato–she was far too analytical for my own good….Perhaps that question should be put directly to Obama more often….

In summary, you have nothing to offer Barry, but clever rhetoric, no experience, no analysis, no wisdom, no perception, no sound judgement, no courage and no moral compass. You will fool many of the fools and a few of the wise, but the nation is starting to see you for what you are, a Hart Shaffner and Marx size 36 without any net content.

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