Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Karl Marx was a community organizer; Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a Governor.

The Following is the buzz on the blogoshere. Sometimes I just poke around and find salient comments. These are in response to the interview with Katie Couric Sarah Palin had. I have indented every other one to give you separation. It gives you a taste of the zeitgeist. Palin is very very popular. She will make a great president.

Barack Obama is more qualified to be president than Sarah Palin because he has been running for president longer than she has. Obama/Reid/Pelosi is a scary thought. Three from the far, far left wing of the Democrat Party.

Liberal women become agitated and jealous of Palin''s natural attractiveness, intelligence, and pleasant demeanor. Liberal men, on the other hand, can only dream of finding a liberal woman as nice and attractive as Governor Palin.

Poor Katie, she''s been part of the devolution for so long she can''t recognize it any longer. The joke is that these people (Katie, Campbell brown, and ughhhh sally Quinn, etc) refer to themselves as progressives. I''m sure these brain trusts don''t think we know that the term refers to socialists/fascists and therefore is appropriate for them.

They have to hate Sarah because she denies their world view where 1) 90% of women kill their down-syndrome babies, where 2)none of their friends have relatives who would dare to serve in the armed forces, 3) where only those unwashed masses in flyover country dare to question the authority of these priggish snobs.

May they all rot in hell - but they will not take us and our country with them.

It is very ironic how the superior left intellect is so intent on the acceptance of individuality, no matter what the form, but can''t accept someone like Palin.

It is also humorous to me how imaginatively low they can go when countering someone like Palin. A comedy sketch about incest in the Palin family? Wow, that shows imagination!

Libs are a joke, almost entertaining in a sad way. To watch you clowns with your nasty attacks, the 5th grade playground mentality. never once raising a question about Obama''s relationships with very questionable people but trashing this hard working middle class successful woman from Alaska. You all worship Obama just as you worship the Hollywood elite trash and the reality of it is they could care less about you. The media is a joke and a failure, worshiping Obama and trashing McCain. God forbid the teleprompter breaks, most channels would be nothing but dead air because it''s clear these pinheads can''t think for themselves.

A message for the Socialists and their fellow travelers. Keep up bashing Sarah Palin. The more you do the more she soars in the polls. The truth is that those trashing her, for the better part, fall far short of what she is as a woman. She is honest, hard working, loves God, her family and her country. The only things Sarah hates is Socialism. You will find out on 11/4 just how many she has connected with that share her values and will summarily reject yours. Just remember I told you so.

I don''t proclaim to be a "political expert" by any means. The past 8 years though have made me lean toward the democratic side; however, I will not be voting democrat this November. The democratic ticket disturbs my very soul. I do think Sarah Palin is a very bright and intelligent person. She is very capable of handling the office. NO ONE comes into office, or any other job, already knowing everything. That includes Mr. Obama. The last time I checked, the office was not run by just the President & VP anyway, but with many department heads, cabinet members and advisers, just to name a few. I think she deserves the same consideration and chance that nearly half of voting America is willing to give Mr. Obama. I hate what the last 8 years have done to our wonderful nation, but, I think I''m going to have to vote Republican in November.

I''m glad to see that political correctness hasn''t affected the bigots who spout hate against the Pentecostal faith. It''ll be a sad day for all the cool people in the country when prejudice and hatred against Christians becomes unfashionable...all those cool people will have to find another pose to strike. What an inconvenience that would be!

Go Sarah, I am so happy to see a true conservative address the problem of our financial markets. I was a mortgage banker for the past seven years. All of us in the industry saw this coming. When the lending guidelines were relaxed to allow low income and poor credit people to get loans with little or no down payment and no income verification, we all knew this would happen. The sad part is everyone was in on it. The loan officers, the underwriters, the appraisal companies all the way up the ladder. Look at what the libs brought us by trying to level the home buying field fro people who had no business getting a loan. No matter how much we want to make all Americans home owners, there are just some people who don't deserve home loans and will never have good credit. Remember the fish rots from the head back and in this case i think its Barney Frank.

I just love how the kos kids keep repeating themselves. Nothing new just the same oh same oh. Following orders from Obama totally without any original thought of their own.

It is so obvious how scared they are and that Obama and his msm and kos friends will do and say anything to win this election. Read the kos website and they will say, "lets make up lies and keep repeating them until our friends in the msm picks up the ball and carries it for us". SAD

The reason liberal women hate Palin is because she is everything they are not: attractive, married, heterosexual, and happy with her femininity; not to mention she is very successful. Liberal women are single issue voters. They cast their votes strictly for abortion rights issues and they can''''t get over that one issue. Governor Palin, on the other hand, does not represent that line of thinking. Sure, she''''s pro-life, but there are other, bigger issues out there. Katie Couric is a mousy little upstart with no real journalistic experience. CBS can do better than this.

This women is certainly intelligent - not shallow or stupid - and neither is John McCain. You show your own inability to discuss issues by using such silly language!
You may disagree, you may see things otherwise, you may have never voted republican in your life and never will. But please, make an effort to focus on the issues instead of calling someone "stupid". NO wonder our country is so messed up. I guess some people live their life calling other people names - and I guess that way they defer responsibility from them selves... no thinking required.

Personally, I think Sarah Palin is a very capable and talented women. She is focused on the question and I think most Americans agree and want a bi-partisan solution and want it fast.

Why are there already anti-Palin comments posted when the entire interview has not even aired.

Sarah Palin is just as bright as Joe Biden, more in tune to America, more determined to reform Washington -handling herself fine!! She will do this country proud!! Joe Biden will be prying his foot out of his mouth until he retires. Now John McCain - there is a true American - I would want to be in his foxhole - anytime.

It''s too bad Palin isn''t the Republican candidate for Prez.

She would mop up Obama in a landslide.

The girl has spunk and she would be an awesome ambassador for the US around the world!

Go Sarah!

I don''t understand the comments regarding Palin''s experience. She clearly has more than Obama who was vetted by the democratic party. They seem to think it is perfectly OK to have a person with no executive experience, no real travel (except for 11 days this year) out of the country, no track record of success(having failed at everything he has done except being a student and maybe a dad), and no ability to think or speak without a teleprompter. Seems to me that Obama is merely affirmative action run amok. So if Obama is OK as president why would anyone criticize someone who has far more maturity, experience, and demonstrated successes than he?

Just reading some of the stupid comments made by the Liberals, its no wonder the folks like Gov Palin. When will the MSM leash all their might to investigate Sen Obama an Sen Biden???? The folks underestimated President Bush, I see they are doing it again. This Country really needs a lady like Gov Palin in the WH. I look forward to a race between Gov Palin an Hillary in four years.

Please. Someone list Barack Obama''s relevant experiences that make him a better candidate for President than Palin is for VP? Anyone? No? Didn''t think so. Face it. People are voting for him either because he is a far left liberal and that is what they are as well or because he is black and it makes them fell better to vote for him. It sure as heck isn''t based on his "experience" because all that even Obama can come up with is that he has "run a Presidential campaign." Pathetic reason to vote for anyone.

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