Sunday, September 21, 2008

Global Horror and Nazism rises Again

I know that it's a possibility that before I pass that I may well suffer dementia. Well, if you love government control of your lives in all facets, you'll love this. A woman of honor among the socialist and radical liberal community has made a grand pronouncement. It's time to kill off the mentally demented. Very late term abortion after birth.

Read this and then ask yourself how much of this kind of creeping socialism you want in your life. This is what the culture of death starting with abortion gets you.

This is horror and terror more real than any slasher film on the big screen. Read this and weep for your country.

Just Die. It's Your Duty: "The killing became automatic."

Together at last: The Baroness and Dr. Joseph Mengele

"They told them they would be given medication
that would help them. Oh, yes, they were given
medications, medications of poison that gripped
their heart and closed their eyelids still;
that is the sort of medication they were given."

-- Colonel Leon Jaworski, 1945 **

An evil woman touted as "the influential medical ethics expert Baroness Warnock" says it's time for some tough love and hard death among the demented of England. Call it "the culling the herd to save some money" ethic. Warnock says, "If you're demented, you're wasting people's lives – your family's lives – and you're wasting the resources of the National Health Service."

Or, as Orin Judd so succinctly puts it: "Ever notice how "medical ethics" is nothing more than justifying murder.

We do and we also note how this is a rising trend in the "ethical" thinking of Europe. Or perhaps we shouldn't say "trend" as much as a nostalgic yearning for the past century where an interest in eugenics amongst the "leaders" of that civilization was part of the biggest butcher's bill in history.

Where have we seen this sort of "cost crisis" medical thinking in Europe before? Oh yes, that would be the Hadamar Hospital AKA the Hadamar Euthanasia Center

Thus in 1906 the Korrigenden-Anstalt in Hadamar was converted to a mental institution. By 1930 the home contained 320 patients. As decreed by Nazi law, from 1934 nursing costs for mental patients were reduced. By 1936 the mental homes had become overcrowded, and conditions worsened as a result of the reduced quantity and quality of food supplies. The building had been designed to accommodate 250 patients, but by 1939 about 600 inmates were crowded into cramped quarters.

During late August 1939, following Hadamar's designation as a military hospital, patients were distributed to surrounding mental homes. However, between November 1940 and January 1941 the sickrooms were converted into quarters for the medical and administrative staff of the new T4 Hadamar euthanasia killing centre. The staff had been transferred from Grafeneck following the closure of that facility.

Rooms to receive arriving patients were located on the first floor. A gas chamber disguised as a shower room was installed in the basement of the building, together with a crematorium with two ovens which were attached to a chimney. Gas entered the chamber from an adjacent room through pipes with holes punched in them.

That was only the first phase of the killings at Hadamar. Sloppy and very unscientific. They got better in the next phase.
Killing at Hadamar recommenced in 1942 as part of the second phase of the euthanasia program, the so-called “wild euthanasia.” Now the victims were murdered by administering lethal doses of barbiturates or morphine-scopolamine injections. While initially there had been some pretence of medical deliberation before deciding on a patient’s fate, with the arrival of Polish and Russian workers in 1944, mostly diagnosed as “tubercular” despite a complete lack of medical examination until after their death, the killing became automatic.
"The killing became automatic." That's the phrase that pays these days, isn't it? If we can only get to the automatic killing phase of medicine, then everything will be copacetic... cool... "it's all good."

Cheap too. Just a little needle and good night. Followed by the cremation in the cardboard box. A bit heavy on your final carbon footprint, but thing of the carbon we save by killing you early. Surely that's an offset.

Of course some of the witnesses that brought the medical killers of Hadamar to trial after the war had a slightly different view:

At the Hadamar trial of October 1945, one of the first American war crimes trials, Colonel Leon Jaworski** described the murder of patients by their physicians in the following terms:

"Oh, what a vicious falsehood, what a terrible thing, what an evil and wicked thing to do to a person who is already suffering and already carrying burdens, to build up the false hope that sunshine was to enter their hearts. They told them they would be given medication that would help them. Oh, yes, they were given medications, medications of poison that gripped their heart and closed their eyelids still; that is the sort of medication they were given."

Even though she was 21 when these trials took place and must have had some knowledge of them, history lived doesn't seem to be slowing down the 84-year old "Baroness'" drive to get rid of the garbage in the National Health Care system.
Baroness Warnock: Dementia sufferers may have a 'duty to die' - Telegraph Lady Warnock, a former headmistress who went on to become Britain's leading moral philosopher, chaired a landmark Government committee in the 1980s that established the law on fertility treatment and embryo research. A prominent supporter of euthanasia, she has previously suggested that pensioners who do not want to become a burden on their carers should be helped to die. Last year the Mental Capacity Act came into effect that gives legal force to "living wills", so patients can appoint an "attorney" to tell doctors when their hospital food and water should be removed. But in her latest interview, given to the Church of Scotland's magazine Life and Work, Lady Warnock goes further by claiming that dementia sufferers should consider ending their lives through euthanasia because of the strain they put on their families and public services."
The last time this person was trotted out to as the point-guard for death, she was working on the issue of when to put premature babies down.
Expert tells doctors: let youngest premature babies die - Times Online BRITAIN’S top medical ethics expert has urged doctors to let the most premature babies die, with treatment offered only in exceptional cases.
Again, you have to wonder how deep the sickness goes into the soul of Britain's intelligensia to have this thing cited as "the top expert" in ethics. Still, it is interesting to see that she's now, in her dotage, working hard to get people killed at the other end of life. And all because if you are old and sick you can.... cost too much!

Now that's what we call really controlling government spending at last! Suck taxes out when you're vital, put you down like a dog when you're not.

Can I have a show of hands for all those in favor of US National Health Care with all the dependable cost-benefit analysis the US government will bring to your own life when you become... well... just a little too costly? After all, once you're no longer actually kicking in payroll and income taxes, the only place left to get money from you is the Death Tax. And the government is going to need money to fund its "Free" "Health" "Care."

Of course, it will take some time for the proposed system to get to the point where it actually has to kill you in your old age to fund itself. I'll probably be gone by the time it rolls around, but I do find it sweet to think that many of the young voters so keen for this today will be among the first killed by it tomorrow.

UPDATE: Can't happen here? It's well underway in the northwest: "Oregon seems to have found a surefire way to lower health care costs: Tell the patient you'll pay for drugs that will end her life, but not those that would extend her life." -American Thinker: Oregon's Suicidal Approach to Health Care. The same article also notes a ballot measure in Washington that allows / requires a doctor to lie about the cause of death on the Death Certificate:
The Washington proposal, in a major departure from Oregon's law, adds a layer of unprecedented deception by forcing doctors to lie about the cause of death. It requires that, when a patient dies after taking the prescription for assisted suicide, the physician "shall list the underlying terminal disease as the cause of death."
Feeling better about being in America?

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