Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Brownshirt Attack from the Obama Thugocracy

Behold the “peace-loving” left-wing crusaders for diversity, tolerance and understanding. Don't see them? Nope, they are thugs. They are mean. They are beyond belief. How soon before people are being shot in the street for opposing Obama. We are very close to that now.

An older woman is conversing with a friend in New York City. She is holding a McCain Sign. Suddenly a passing Minion of Obama in true thuggery so typical of Obama supporters rips the sign out of her hand, busts it up, takes the stick, beats the woman with it, breaks her glasses, knocks her back.

Didn't hear about this in the Media? Wonder why?

We are in serious trouble. These are not good people. They are gangsters for Obama.

I guess it's really not the Muslim way. It's more like the Chicago way.

Thought Police.

I was sent this nightmare.
It's what it might be like if the Obama thugocracy, the brotherhood of Mugabe in America, is elected.

You remember how that went. If you supported Mugabe's opponent in Zimbabwe you could count on being beaten or killed. Raped. Murdered.

How far are we from this here and now?

Obama's supporters are very close to this kind of rule by terror.

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