Thursday, October 23, 2008

How Obama's Patriotism will help the Ecological Cause

The liberals will take over and ban nuclear power and “fossil” fuels. They will promote nighttime power conservation with a lights out at 9 pm curfew because there is no sunlight and very little wind at night. Patriotism = power conservation. Generators will requires licenses - just like machine guns do. Generator licenses will be as scarce as machine gun licenses.

With GM and Ford bankrupt, there will be no US automakers. High tariffs on imported cars will virtually eliminate new cars. Gasoline stations will continue to disappear. US will become a land of used cars, seldom used cars.

We will all be proud that jobs are not exported; that we hardly use any foreign oil. $10.00/gal gasoline helps, so do import restrictions. People are encouraged to walk instead of drive. Walking = patriotism (provided you don’t wear leather shoes or shoes made from oil). Processed foods will have disappeared from grocery stores; indeed supermarkets will have disappeared because cars are scarce.

Roe V Wade has been extended. Since a person is a foetus because he or she is unable to live outside the womb (ie without constant care), the Supremes rule that anyone who is unable to support himself without constant care is a foetus. Foetuses (young and old) may be aborted in the privacy of a family planning clinic. Suddenly the SS and Medicare crisis is solved. Patriotism = family planning.

Liberals are very patriotic. Liberalism defines patriotism.


Anonymous said...

you are an idiot propogating fear. there would be no curfew. what an idiotic idea. with the power grid connected around the country there always be wind or sun somewhere in the country to be feeding the grid if there was dark and still in some other area. the mention of a curfew is not scientifically or technically valid and is only there to build fear in people. you are the most hypocritical person i have ever known. there are many other points wrong about your article but i am not going to waste any more time on them. stop this negativity. in your heart you MUST know it is wrong.

Anonymous said...

There always be wind or sun somewhere in the country to be feeding the grid if there was dark and still in some other area.

That is a dumb statement. To borrow your nomenclature, an idiot statement.

It's DARK at the same time in the USA. Power can only be transmitted a given distance before it's lost all it's energy.

I want to see limited windpower and solar development as much as possible but no matter what, we will never get more than 10-15% of our power from those sources. Nukes, Coal, Nat Gas and whatever else we can think of must work.

Curfew? Sure. How else will you control the use of power if there isn't any.

Solving Social Security with euthenasia, Hmmmm, where have I heard that before.

No food imports. Means no food.

Or limited because of 10 buck gas without any exploration of our own resources. Got to protect them Caribou.

This is the new dark ages we are going to end up in with an Obama and his congressional house of fools behind him.

Prepare for HELL
