Thursday, November 13, 2008

Keith Olberman and American Idol

One thing both shows have in common is it causes otherwise normal people to watch mentally ill folks try to do things they aren't capable of on live TV.

I never watch either. Mental illness shouldn't be a spectator sport. I think American Idol is sick. So is Olberman. Shame on NBC for allowing this very sick man on the air to display his disease for the amusement of many. Now I hear that they have extended his contract. I guess he must have agreed to commit suicide to get ratings on live TV. Good pull for watchers, just not great for follow up. He'd be dead.

In a recent article in Conde Naste's blog reveals that Keith Doesn't vote so he can remain "Objective". Right. Dr Freud would have a field day with that delusion.

What makes it more disturbing is his press release. If this isn't the ramblings of mentally ill person I don't know what is.

I haven't been particularly clear in expressing myself on what the "symbolism" is. I know it's very idiosyncratic, but I would feel just a little hesitation, just a little drag on the airflow, if I went to criticize somebody, especially a president, for whom I had voted. It is driven by the same thing that used to make me keep my distance from the athletes I covered. I don't want anything, even that tiny bit of symbolic connection, to stand in between me and my responsibility to be analytical and critical.
Aren't there laws about this kind of shameless exploitation of sick people?

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