Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Praying for Obama

There was a recent blog post on New Man. It asked men everywhere to pray for Obama. The results in the comment field were interesting.

I will pray for him, Like Paul Prayed for the Ephesians. You can read that for yourself.

Here are the comments:
God bless you, my brother. God is watching, and we are doing our part.
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Keep going, brother! You are right on. I just signed up for the Presidential Prayer Team this week. Everything changes when we have a fresh encounter with God's extraordinary love and mercy. There is just no telling what our prayers for such an experience will bring to pass in the life of our new president. If we don't pray for him, who will? Who can?
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Yes, we are to pray for our leaders, as written by the apostles. But exactly what do you think they themselves prayed for, towards those who killed their brethren? And it was the same Peter and John who also said that they would obey God rather than man.
What do you think the living God would have us to pray toward those who slaughter the unborn? What do you intend to pray for the Obamas of the world when and if they try to suppress the Word of God? If you truly want to pray for corrupt leaders, maybe we should look at how Jesus dealt with those (higher powers) in Matthew 23. I will pray for their salvation, but beyond that …?
Donald Moeser
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A few bloggers have suggested that Obama is only worthy of our prayers for salvation, no more. I'm curious, where does this idea about "salvation only" prayer originate? Wasn't it our Lord Jesus who instructed us to pray even for our enemies (Matt. 5:43-48)? And wasn't it again Jesus who prayed for people who were sick and under spiritual oppression? Did Jesus Christ, friend of sinners, only restrict his prayers to those who believed? If this were the case, no one ever would have received prayer to begin with.
I myself can testify that the Lord was very gracious to answer many of my prayers before I ever came to a place of surrender to Him. It was His tender mercies that drew me to Himself and now keep me drawing closer to Him. I have also as a Christian prayed for unbeliever’s needs and God has graciously answered those prayers. "Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?" (Rom. 2:4)
"I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain." (Gal. 2:21)
Pierre Eade
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Thanks for reminding us to uplift the president in our prayers so that God can lead him in His own ways. Ways of our Lord are straight and not crooked. Raise up ye men and women of prayer and fulfill your holy calling. Amen
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Yes we are to love and pray for even our enemies. But we must pray in God's will, in humility and in accordance with His Word. Ponder the meaning of Romans 13 more carefully. God doesn’t “ordain” evil or anyone who advocates evil! How are we to pray for people in authority who appear to be unbelievers?

As I study and pray on this, one thing becomes ever clear. We must pray for our nation as never before and stand in the full armor of God. And we are to seek discernment and the mind of the Lord, recognizing that we are in the last days and that evil shall rise up against us.

1. We are to be humble and pliable before the Lord, praying that His attitude be our attitude.
2. We pray for love for them in the same way that God loves them.
3. We are to pray for their salvation if the person in authority appears to be an unbeliever. And at the same time continue to praise the Lord that He is drawing them to him! Their salvation in Christ is more important than their actions today.
4. We are to rebuke Satan “In Jesus’ name” and stand in His way commanding Satan and his minions to cease and desist from using that person in authority for evil. The person in authority who does not appear to be walking in Christ is not the real problem. It is Satan!
5. We must pray in His will.
6. Recognize ( without being judgmental) that if the person is an unbeliever, the promises of the Word to born-again Christians that are living in Jesus do not automatically apply.
7. Thank and praise the Lord that He has promised to restore righteous leaders to our land.
8. Recognize that the blessing is given freely to all those who are born again into the New Covenant ... not to those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord!
9. Recognize that God can direct Obama and Pelosi and Reed even if they don’t want Him to do so. This is not the same as praying for them to “have wisdom.” In effect, we can pray that God will direct them and control them.
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I have been praying for our leaders and all of us. I have never seen so many Christians behave so badly. It has left me very distressed.
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Thanks for your article. Prayer changes things.
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John 15:12: “This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you." That was the gospel Jesus Christ preached in the course of His earthly ministry. My heart bleeds when some people who should be followers Christ (i.e. Christians), exemplifying His teachings in deed, hide under the cloak of religion to judge others who do hold divergent views with them.

Christians are called into the ministry of watchmen over nations. Their obligation should keep them on their knees pleading with God until they effect positive changes in the world. In other words they are to engage in constructive and not destructive activity. Whoever is using the Word of God as a platform to justify his evil selfish motives must note that someday he will stand before God and account for his evil deeds.
Olusegun Olusayero
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Thank you for that article. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 tells that as believers we are to pray for all men and all leaders. Verse 2 answers that question by stating that we might lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. This means the body of Christ has the mandate and the authority to bring about order in a nation and world, not a particular political party.
Pray for Soon to be President Obama - He will need it, so will YOU!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right Prophet Gene!