Monday, December 26, 2011

The Hearsay of our Western Gospel

A discussion with some spiritual leaders reveals that if you have never had a supernatural experience with God, you will deny that they are important, are for today or even possible. You will spend your days with books, teachings, doctrines and disputes about the color of vestments when all along the Father of Light is begging to invade your life. This is above all the most tragic life of all. Doesn't mean they won't get to heaven, they will have missed it here on earth. The classic statement is, "IF God wants me to have that, He will cause it to happen". Sometimes, if you are the Apostle Paul...maybe. The truth is, God is the REWARDER of those who diligently seek Him. I once asked the pastor of a very large church in private conversation to share with me an experience he had in God. It won't shock you, he could come up with nothing. Yet, he stands before the people committed to him and proclaims truth without power. He will also go to heaven, but he will have missed everything God had for him. Once long ago, my friend Rodney Hall challenged me with, "God has so much more for you if you will just seek him". It was true and those words changed my life forever. I wish I could do the same for others.

I think what we are lacking is NOT those well schooled in Bible History, Theology, Doctrine or deep teaching. What we really need are spiritual leaders who KNOW their God. Sadly, I think many over educated MDiv's and Doctor of Theology grads are little different from the well educated but practically challenged social study grads. This is a pox on the Church of Jesus. Give me a man or woman who has MET GOD...and the rest will come into line.
"Be warned, my children, against anything more than these. People never stop writing books. Too much studying will wear out your body". Ecclesiastes 12:12

Jeanne Hart: I had a supernatural experience and it was in my sleep. I didn't ask for it. God visited me and held me in his arms. I felt it throughout my entire being. Can not describe it. It was a supernatural feeling. In the morning I asked him to do it again and the next night He did. At the time I was going through great great emotional pain. I believe he is omnipotent if he wants to show HIS Power HE will where HE wants it.

Jeanne, now THAT"S what I'm talking about.

Most never get that gift, because they don't seek it. A fallacious statement in Christendom is "seek the giver not the gift". That's true, but it's like your daddy coming home from afar with things he has brought you and wanting you to enjoy and remember him by them. He holds you close, loves you and then presents them to would he feel if you just rejected what he want's to offer you? If you said "I love you Daddy, but I don't really want or need what you offer".

I think daddy would still love you, but he would wonder what is the matter with you. I have a sense that is exactly what is going on.

I will say once more, Unless a potential leader in the Body of Christ has had a significant encounter with God, he will always be trying to relate who God is to others by hearsay. Not admissible in any court.

In this video S M Lockbridge asks the question of the age..

"That's my King, Do you KNOW HIM?"
  • Not know about Him.
  • Not read about Him.
  • Not hear of Him.
  • Not been told of HIM??

KNOW HIM...or will that day come..."I never knew you". According to the will for many who will be in Pulpits next Sunday.

KNOW HIM...KNOW HIM...He can be known, and when you encounter Him, you will never be the same:
  • He will change you from the inside out.
  • He will clear your clouded mind.
  • He will soften your hard heart and give you a new one.
  • He will make you a new creation

...but first you must MEET HIM.

I have suggested this to many. Do what Jeanne did. In your prayer closet tonight. Ask God to come to you, to reveal Himself to you, to manifest Himself in a new way. Make you fully aware of his presence. EVEN IF YOU DON'T really believe He can...HE CAN and He will. Then when it comes, set aside your intellect, your prejudice, that burden of teaching and learning you have accumulated as meaningless baggage over a lifetime. Almost everything you think you understand about God is wrong. EXCEPT for Jesus. He clears it up. He is the ontological argument that explains it all...but you MUST seek Him. He will drive you to the Truth...for He is truth. Truth is not an idea, He's a person

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