Saturday, December 31, 2011

Obama in Prophecy

Obama in Prophecy

I was in a department store shopping, when I heard on their intercom….a Moslem call to worship in their native language. I looked at another shopper and she just shrugged her shoulders. Then I heard it again. This happened 4 times. Then I woke up. I quickly thought about the Inauguration happening that day. I went to get a drink of water in the kitchen and saw on the clock, 4:44. I thought, what does this mean Lord? I went back to bed and prayed in the Spirit for a while and fell asleep. I was in another dream. This time I was with someone who is Catholic, who said to me, look at my new Madonna I have on the wall. I did not look. But I knew it was a large sunburst with a large Madonna in the center of it. Then the scene changed and my wife and I were driving down a road in the country. Suddenly, about a ¼ of a mile ahead on the left side of the road, there came up 4 volcanic vents shooting straight up into the sky, pumping tons of black smoke and some gray ash, high into the sky. Then all this ash began to fall back to earth. It covered everything to where the landscape was desolate as far as you could see. Then I woke up.

I asked the Lord what all this meant.

Now I have seen:

4 Calls to Moslem prayer
444 On the clock
44th President being sworn in that morning
1 Madonna on a large sunburst
4 Volcanic vents shooting into the sky

Later that morning as I watched the Presidents speech, he said
that America was Christian and Moslem nation.

Text of Obama Speech

We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus — and non-believers. Always America has be referred to as a Christian~Judeo Nation and normally they will mention the other religions, but never mentioning muslims as the 2religion.
but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. “New Age”

Meaning of President Obama’s Name;
Barack: Blessed
Hussein: Good, Handsome One
Obama: Crooked, Zigzag, Not in a Straight Line

“The blessing from the handsome one that is crooked”

Remember the Word;

Mar 1:3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

(1) I believe the 4 calls to Moslem worship were telling us who and what our new President is all about.

(2) The Lord lead me to Jeremiah 44:4

I began to read at verse 2 – THUS SAITH THE LORD OF HOSTS, THE GOD OF ISRAEL; YE HAVE SEEN ALL THE EVIL THAT I HAVE BROUGHT UPON JERUSALEM, Soon. The people of God who are apostate. AND UPON ALL THE CITIES OF JUDAH; Soon. Those in Christ, the True King of Judah, who are now in great error in the Spirit. verse 3 – BECAUSE OF THEIR WICKEDNESS WHICH THEY HAVE COMMITTED TO PROVOKE ME TO ANGER, Giving Gods Glory and Worship to another, Our new President is called the ONE, Abortion, our new President believes in it, lukewarmness and rampant sin within the church. IN THAT THEY WENT TO BURN INCENSE, The prayers of the Believers are now toward their new king of America. AND TO SERVE OTHER GODS, Man and then New World Order. WHOM THEY KNEW NOT, Jesus Christ is our God, no other. NEITHER THEY , YE, NOR YOUR FATHERS. Verse 4 – HOWBEIT I SENT UNTO YOU ALL MY SERVANTS THE PROPHETS, RISING EARLY AND SENDING THEM, SAYING, OH, DO NOT THIS ABOMINABLE THING THAT I HATE. You shall have No Other Gods Before Me, saith the Lord. It is not hard to see all the world is wondering after the Beast, system. (I suggest reading all of Jeremiah Chapter 44)

(3) 44 President. As most of our Presidents, our new one is a Free Mason, and they are into numerology. 4 plus 4 = 8 completion, satans version, copying Gods Word, of bringing all mankind, including the church under his control. Just as the Remnant saints are preparing to go into Jacobs Trouble to be Purified, satan and his hoards are preparing to steal, kill and destroy, while receiving glory and adoration from all who worship him in his end time kingdom.

(4) The Madonna and sunburst the Mother of Harlots and her son Nimrod-satan. Nimrod was king of the original Babylon. It was not by mistake that we just conquered Iraq-Babylon. Making us the daughter of Babylon, now, as they were in their day, the most powerful nation on earth. We, as they were, will be destroyed in these coming years. Our sins have caught up with us as they did with Israel and God punished them for it. We say we are a Christian Nation. Our President says, we are Christian and Moslem Nation. Saints, press into the true and Living God, Jesus Christ. He is our only Hope.

(5) 4 – vents of smoke and ash

The Lord showed me these represented the 4 corners of Earth, and they were demons spirits released into the World to seduce the people into receiving the new President and the New World Order as the only way to Save the earth, and themselves. Remember the Word of God says, you must be willing to loose your life, in order To save your life. This world as it is, is not our home. We belong to the Kingdom of God and our home is Jesus, The Zion of God, the New Jerusalem. We are in His Body and we make up the Temple of God, with Jesus As the Head. Saints, this dream was a call to repentance. We must turn From sin and trusting in man. Our Hope is in Christ Jesus, And Him Alone. Amen ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;st=42

check the one post Revival Of Restoration-by The feast Of YHWH

note: The wilderness outcry event was canceled at that time. ons/

First 4 Seals of Revelation ,4 horses , 4 living creatures, book of Rev. 6- 7 , 4 corners of the earth, 4 winds of the earth, 4 angels.

the Bible verses warn us to be ready before His coming. watch and pray ! it does not sound like to have anything to do with money,.....material blessing.

quote "The Laodicean church is content with being rich, complacent and having need of nothing yet like Israel so blind, and naked and don’t even know it.
Prosperity the American Gospel way has killed many a Christians faith. We have been diverted to another gospel. And people just cannot get Desperate enough for God to use us in a mighty way anymore " quote

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