Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I rented the movie Margin Call. It was recommended. Its esoteric. You would need to have an understanding of the brokerage market, limits and what a margin call is...on an backed security. It was exciting--- to me. Would bore most folks. It's a loose tale based on the Lehman bros collapse in early 2008. In any case, if this kind of thing turns your crank, it's ok. Pretty accurate in portraying how these things work. I worked in the trading environment for many years, it's how I ended up in Chicago. I know these kind of people.

I don't however remember them using the F word every other sentence. I really don't. YET...this movie is full of it. Blockbuster has it, so does netflix I'm guessing. Rent it if you want, but be warned, I don't talk like this and frankly never did even when I was among them.

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