Sunday, November 04, 2012

Dealing with disappointment.

 I watched a bit of CBS this morning before church. Nate Silver, a poll Analyst was on and with great confidence predicted that Obama would win with 310 electoral votes. Charles Kuralt was ecstatic at the news. So were the reporters he had working the story. At the same time, watching Fox news, you have Poll Analysts predicting that Romney will win with about 310 electoral votes. Very interesting. SOMEONE is very wrong. Someones are going to be very disappointed on Wednesday. I won't predict. I have a word on this but I won't share it. What I will share is, it will be critical how Obama supporters or Conservatives deal with what will be a disappointing outcome to a difficult election. No matter how it turns out, the losing side will accuse the other side of vote fraud, election machine malfunction, hanging chads, ineligible voters and so on. Stolen elections. NO MATTER WHO WINS. My prophetic admonition to you all is, accept the outcome, regardless of who it is, the Lord puts one up and another down. I will. I may not like it, or I may. This much is certain, on THURSDAY after the election the hard work begins of pushing to restore honor to our government. We have too much cronyism, corruption and crass use of power. We must take back this untamed beast (which is what corrupt government is, a beast spirit) and return the power to the people and the states. SO, no matter how things come out, PEACE SHALOM... to us all.

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