Saturday, November 10, 2012

I was really stirred by watching the Atlas Shrugged 1 movie. Long ago read. BUT now it seems prophetic of the day we are in. The effects of bad governance and crony capitalism. I am going to download part 2. I wonder if we need to lay aside the Tea Party moniker and take up the John Galt name. Like Ms Taggert says in the movie... we are John Galt. Before the election I was with a friend who was conservative but didn't know much about the tea party. Thought it was all about taxes. NOPE. I said its about over regulation by a corrupt government. The scenes from the movie of a nation in collapse where the poor get poorer, the middle class suffers and the rich get richer is what our current government policies are driving us toward, or rather off the cliff. IF you haven't seen it, it's on netflix. Blockbuster if you can find one, has it. IT will stiffen your spine against the lies of the government ... REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT. We ARE John Galt.

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