Wednesday, October 15, 2014

In case you doubt if the Prophetic intersects with Politics, let's take a look at the heart issues that elect such a one.

 Last election this woman was elected by 57% of the vote. The black community in Houston reliably votes 89% democrat. Many jump and shout on Sunday morning and walk into the voting booth to support a direct attack on what they believe. That is cognitive dissonance, schizophrenia, doublemindedness. Unstable in every way. I'm NOT saying it is more Godly to vote republican, but she has been an outspoken radical lesbian.
Somehow you will have to decide which side you are on. If you are black and slavishly vote for democrats... you lack judgement and are double minded. There is a curse with that. You can see it in wastelands like Ferguson MO and some neighborhoods of Chicago.
Can this be solved? Not in this generation. The chains on the plantation are mighty strong. Speaking out against this is all I can do. I HAVE voted democrat in my life, more than you know. Voting for a man. Glen Poshard for governor against Ryan. I actively campaigned for him. Wise up.. not all democrats are bad, not all republicans are good, but look into their souls.. It's a life issue, it's a homosexual issue, it's a christian issue and as a prophet I tell you.... repent of the evil in your vote... particularly if you live in Houston. Be very careful as you vote this fall. Have wisdom.

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