Friday, May 11, 2007

Could we Just Get ONE Conservative Candidate Please - Just ONE?

I am already sick of the republicrats running for President.

I won't catalog the whole thing but there is Romney, who is a flip flop "er" like Kerry.

Gulliani who believes that Abortion is a good thing. He's dead meat.

Ginrich and Fred Thompson who aren't in the race and the clock is ticking down and off on that one.

McCain who couldn't win a hot dog eating contest and who loves to kiss up to the opposition. No one has a clue what stands for or who he is.

And a herd of "also rans".

Oh, there's guys I could get behind, Huckabee, Tancredo, Brownback. They're toast already. Now they just run to be vice president.

I don't know Ron Paul but he seems to be a decent conservative except on the War. That's a non starter for conservatives. The war is important.


This should be a slam dunk. You have a bunch of nutcase liberals who have taken the democrat party way left of where Howard Dean last saw it. They should just change the party's name to Move On, make George Soros the anti american, the head of the party which he is defacto now and let slide into oblivion.

Instead the republicrats are trying to get themselves invited to all the good parties being held in DC.

Hey, YOU GUYS. What about representing us out here. Forget all the free caviar the Dems spoon up; Left to their own devices the left will destroy themselves. You keep them on life support.

Thank God George W Bush found his veto pen. I wish he would use it to stop a few other foolish bills.

If you will start a conservative political party I'll join. Otherwise I will have to be like Mark Twain said, "I'm not part of any organized political party, I'm a republican (He said Democrat)". Today it's the same difference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul will get alot of non-republicans (historically) who register temporarily to vote in the primaries.

To me, he is a refreshingly honest speaking man for his profession. He has a 20 year voting record to prove his integrity. Paul merits a closer look. He is in a unique position as an anti-war Republican/Libertarian and is collecting quite a motley group of followers. He will be interesting to watch.

The war issue is a tough one. I personally don't understand how any Christian (read Christ-Follower) can be a supporter of war.

I am having a similar discussion on Stephen Stallard's blog. Stephen seems to share your views. This post explains my views in more detail:

His blog is here:

Also, Ron Paul's Youtube debate recap has over 60,000 views... and more subscribers (almost 2000) than any other candidate. He's definitely on the move: