Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I got a nice note from a blog friend this morning suggesting that I might want to turn off the anonymous comments on this blog.  I have received that suggestion from other blog friends.  Julie long ago thought I should have.  I didn't and probably won't.  She moderates her comments and doesn't allow anonymous comments or anything out of sorts to pass.  She has some people who have been downright mean in comments to her.  I haven't had that much bile vented against me.  And, I'm really thick skinned (thick headed some might say).

I haven't because if the truth be known nearly NONE of the anonymous comments are anonymous to me.  I won't name them all but the capacity to know who is writing is easy as discerned by the style and content.  One is from a friend who is a fellow horticulturalist, one is our son, one is a retired pastor, one is a current pastor, one is a chum from school, one is another blogger who I know and one is a co-worker from my past.  I know who they are.  I'm not offended.  Oh sure, now and then a robo comment shows up.  I delete those. Occasionally a total whacko comes unglued if I link to his blog and he's offended because of it.  Those are usually lefties or anti-God types.  I had an atheist who said he would  have to purge and cleanse his blog because I linked to it.  Even I wouldn't say anything that dumb.

I welcome the argument.  I don't often engage it.  But, I don't discourage it.  And, I have a few anonymous commenters who actually will take up the banner for me or the position I take. 

My little peanut blog is here simply for me to vent, preach, complain, contemplate, philosophize and tell my life's stories.  It's also a way for me to keep in touch with family who read it, friends from Church, and distant cousins (Hi Wally).  When people are bored they sometimes think, let's see what that "Nice Gene" is up to (Wally's dad calls me that).  I'm happy to do so. I'm happy some actually think it's worth reading.  I am happy that many people who comment use a blogger account to stand for what they say.  But those who don't are welcome too.

So, if you are a commenter and say, "I choose to remain anonymous" I'm quite OK with that.  Say your piece, but I appreciate the fact that you remain civil.  Mostly you do.


Anonymous said...

Hey I'll step up. Don't have any blogs on "giggle" anymore (lots of reasons), but didn't know I could name myself under "other". Every blogs different. Besides, you know who I am.

I encourage "anonymous" at mine. If they don't want a personal answer, that's fine with me. Sometimes people won't really speak their mind if you know who they are (lots of reasons, good and bad). Occasionally you get someone "cruising" and putting dumb stuff just to be smart. The "edit" button is just as cool as the "easy" button. Some people don't deserve a response-civility.

Ok, if I did this right, you'll see a real name...

Anonymous said...

BTW - I sure am glad when God speaks to me, He's never "anonymous". It's pretty clear...

Anonymous said...

Holy smokes! You are so smart. We can't ever fool you! Wow! You have called us OUT and we is scared!

Dr. Barry L. Kolb said...

I am not a fan of what I call drive-by shootings. If you fire the bullet--identify yourself--at least it gives someone a chance to respond.