Thursday, July 19, 2007


Seemed like Big Bang should be in caps, so it is.

I am more and more convinced that the whole war on terrorism idea that has been so roundly criticized particularly in Iraq is and was a Big Bang.

What I mean is he did something that without his intention has turned out to be a radical crash and burn that has forever changed the world and in my opinion for the better. How can that be?

  • The evil that is radical Islam has been forever exposed
  • Supposed unity in the Muslim world has been shown to be a false unity
  • People who have been victims of tyranny at the hands of the mullahs and ayatollahs are moving from being victims to becoming responsible for their futures
  • The Palestine issue is now about to come to resolution, it will be bloody but it will resolve.
  • The invasion of Europe a drip drip drip at a time has been exposed and the invaders identified
  • America is a more vigilant place than it was, we are less vulnerable to easy attack
  • Christianity is making tremendous progress in the 10/40 window because of the Iraq and Afghan revolutions
  • We as Americans are learning who we can depend on and who is just a sycophant who sucks up to us for no good reason
  • We have identified those in our country who are weak and spineless and can keep them from coming to power again

There may be many other things but in his own stumbling bumbling way George W Bush has done the equivalent of tearing down the Berlin Wall, Nixon opening China and securing the Pacific from the Japanese with the atom bomb. He didn't do it incrementally. Most great things aren't done incrementally. They are done with a big bang. People that believe you can accomplish anything incrementally are deceived. Those that thought we could have done this with diplomacy are idiots. With whom are you going to have these diplomatic discussions and agreements that will be kept? Hmmm? The same is true of the blinded quacks that think we can withdraw and "Work With" these radical wackos. It required a big bang and we got it.

In the end this whole adventure will be seen as the beginning of a renaissance in the middle east that tore down hierarchies, kingdoms, evil religious powers and corrupt governments. One can, and I do, only hope that the result will be a new and better world.

Oh, the nutcases won't go without a fight. But we will fight, we will suffer, we will win. It will take a very very long time but it will be worth it. We as Americans will have done what we always do, sacrifice ourselves for the good of the world. We did it in WWII, WWI and many other times.

I'm proud to be an American and I'm proud of George Bush. I don't think he knew what he was doing when he did it. But he had the courage in spite of those weak kneed left wing types.

I wish more things could or would be solved with a big bang. If I could I would do it with the religious climate in America. I would invade every church and run everyone out. Tell them they aren't welcome to come back unless they are willing to get serious about serving God. Oh, we'd still have evangelistic services and try to help people cross over. I just want the fence sitters to stay home till they get a big bang in their lives. I'm sick of pretenders to the Throne of Jesus believing they are seated as it says in Ephesians in Heavenly Places next to Him. They are no more seated, standing or in the throne room than a kangaroo. Worse than that some of these pretenders are on church councils, are deacons and even pastors. They need to find Jesus or stay at home. Stop playing religious games.

We need this big bang in the church. I am hoping and believing it will be a big bang of the Holy Ghost. I hope it will be soon. I'm sick of business as usual. The lukewarm climate in most of the Church in America is nauseating to Jesus too. Time to get hot or cold.

I have quit accommodating nominal Christians and nonbelievers. People who were raised in the church, maybe even baptized and confirmed, if they no longer believe the claims of Christ they are lost hell bound sinners. I won't try make them feel better. They need a big bang in their life. We need more Johnathan Edwards' in the pulpits of America. IF people stay away in droves, the handful that is left will be a start to making the Body of Christ red hot in love with Jesus as it was supposed to be. What we have now is religious anemia of the worst kind. Jesus despised religious people. They are the hardest to break. They need a big bang.

We need a big bang.



Anonymous said...

Mr. Gleaner .... What kind of rocks have you been smoking? They have went to your head. Drinking that Bush Kool-aid has transported you into the next universe. That war have been a gully-washer that has transported you into some kind of Alice in Wonderland fantasy. You are either stark raving mad or afraid to admit you were dead wrong. After five years of incompetently waging a war that should not have been fought and has helped make Al Quida into a world wide force.... one would think you could see the handwriting on the wall ... and figure out that the only way to save what little self respect we have left ... is to find away to extract ourselves from the mess that is Iraq. It is laughable that you would even try to justify your support of this lost cause. Idiots have one thing in common... they never learn their lessonsiff

Anonymous said...

If any of those 'good' things have actually resulted from the war, they would have or could have happened by other peaceful means that did not cost the LIVES of almost FOUR THOUSAND and maiming life-ruining injury to TEN THOUSAND. I am sure the family of one killed or maimend would not find your cute 'Big Band' idea very amusing.