Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Neo-Pagan Worship of Gaia

Just to be clear, I don't care how sincere you are in worshipping what you worship, if it's wrong, if it's pagan you are going to go to HELL.

Now, that I have irritated you let's look at what's happening in the world.

We just came off a weekend last where pagan goddess worship was rampant around the world. Live Earth. It was initiated by a good man but one who in an attempt to do good has fallen into a trap. Al Gore.

He has unintentionally endorsed the oldest religion of all. Pagan Earth Worship. The Worship of the goddess Gaia.

People around the world are being drawn into the worship of the earth by the drumbeat of environmentalism. We are being told that we must save the planet. That the planet is our mother. That if mother dies we die.

God's hand in all this never comes up.

This is pure and simple goddess worship. Gaia is and was a strong pagan god. As Christians we must rise up against this evil spirit and while respecting and and operating in good stewardship of the creation God has given us not allow ourselves to be drawn into the whole sacrifice to the goddess of Gaia in the form of Man made Global Warming propaganda conspiracy.

Gaia is a false but real goddess. She has risen up ever so stealthily against the knowledge of God as a stronghold. We can tear down that stronghold only by the truth. The media and modern culture has bought and is promoting the Gaia as goddess lie without knowing it.

It all seems so good. It all seems so right. Meanwhile millions are led off the edge of the earth into oblivion without hope. Only the Truth of Jesus will save souls from the deception of Gaia.


Anonymous said...

I did not know that Christianity recognized the old gods as real. I thought the thought was that they were made up. Now you say Gaia is real but bad? Is Zeus real? The Egyptian Pharohs that claimed to be gods? The Mayan volcano gods? The Indian sun god? Where can I read about this?

Anonymous said...

You don't deserve to be acknowledged for this ridiculous post, but I will anyway. If you think the environmental movement is in any way a religion or is claiming to worship any diety, you are . . . well never mind. Just because others have tried to make some lame analogy with clever writing and turns of phrases does not make it true. The environmental movement is merely a mass of concerned citizens, including orders of magnitudes of more scientists who are convinced there are problems than who are not, who are trying to preserve the environment. Many things, including global avaerage temperatures, rate of species extinction, invasion of non-native species, precipitation patterns, wind and water currents, have changed at a far greater rate recently, roughly since industrialization, than at any other time in history or prehistory. To assume that it is natural or God-driven is naive or stupid and to not take whatever steps we can to slow the changes in hopes that the damage is reversible would be irresponsible. We may not all agree on what will work or what is worth doing, but better to do too much or a few useless things than to do nothing at all. And to claim it is a religon so that you can claim it is against YOUR religion and rile people up against it is just plain wrong. You want to continue to piss on the earth and leave it to others to clean up after you. God has not caused the changes and God will not fix them. We must do what we can as individuals and as formal groups. If your religion was half as charitable as it pretends to be, it might get involved in some environmental volunteerism and volunteer participation and activism. But your claim that the environmental movement is a religion or worship of the earth is pathetic and laughable and shows you for what you are.

Pastor Dan said...

Good stuff! The only hope that any of us has is in God the Father through faith in Jesus the Annointed one. The eventual end of this earth is clearly prophesied in the Bible. All that we see today is temporary and our true destination is beyond this realm. I believe in conservation but, my hope and faith are based on what Jesus promised.... to deliver me from this body into life everlasting.

Anonymous said...

The eventual end of this earth is clearly prophesied in the Bible.....
As it is in Science. God gave us the intelligence to destroy ourselves or to save ourselves. Being arrogant enough to think on his behalf my bet is he would prefer we use that intelligence to save ourselves... not to pretend there is no problem and that it does not have a man made component. Either way it is a test to see if we have developed what he gave us to the point we can use it or continue to look like the greedy fools who created this environmental mess in the first place.

Worship a false God... look in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

reminds me of that joke about the guy on the top of his house in the flood, with waters still rising. a guy in a canoe comes by and offers a ride to safety and he declines saying God will save me. a family in a rowboat comes by and says they can fit one more. he says no, God will save me. Some kids come by in a rubber life boat and still he declines, saying God will save me. Finally, the waters rise further, sweep him away and he drowns. He gets to heaven, where God awaits, and he says God, why didn't you save me? God says Idiot, I sent you a canoe and a row boat and a rubber raft!
We might just want to use the science God gave us to save ourselves, doncha think???