Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Prepare to Prosper

You can about predict that we are going to go thru a dip, maybe even a hard dip in the economy. The gloom and doomers will hammer you.

benefit of being old is that I've seen this before, TWICE. We will live thru this very well.

Last time was in the early 90s. We'll be fine. In fact, when things are tough new
opportunities are opened up and you can prosper. Prepare to Prosper.

My son Tim has a few bad bumps recently. He had to quit his job after cutting his thumb off a half inch. Mostly because the company couldn't pay him anymore. He got 5 job offers TODAY. He'll be fine.

So, enjoy your life and quit worrying about it all. I am. Don't let the news depress you. I've seen it all before.

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