Thursday, January 10, 2008

Why the Prophets of the Old Testament were not a Committee

I get nervous when a bunch of prophets get together to come up with lots of consensus words.  Two things happen, words become general, words become supportive but not directive, words make promises that have no evidence of when or how the manifestation will ever come to pass.  Safe words.  Politically correct words.
I have a copy of the words from a group of respected prophets who got together and compiled what God is saying for 2008.  I wish they hadn't.  It would be more useful if they were to go apart quietly each on their own, then after several days of prayer and fasting come back together with the whole finished prophetic word, each one, alone.  That's not the impression I get of what actually happened.
It makes me kind of sad that this prophetic utterance by committee thing went on. 
There is a scriptural story of just such a situation, in fact thinking about it for a minute, there are several stories where consensus prophecy failed, individual men or women of God was the actual word God wanted to speak out.  If you are a Biblical Scholar you will remember the Prophets of Jeremiah's time or the Prophets that prophesied to Ahab to go up against the Kings of Syria, Only Elijah had the right word, if you do you will fail.
So, I like to read prophetic utterance, I like to see it, I just wish it weren't by committee.  It isn't  meant to be that way.  If you are a leader in a church or a ministry you need to attach yourself to a proven prophet of God.  He will give you insight into God's heart and let you see the world and it's situations from the throne room. 
Connecting with such a person is important but dicey.  I hope you can find one.  You will be a ship without a rudder or a compass without this Ministry Gift in your life.  You can't hear from God for yourself when the storms come.   Even a Prophet needs a Prophet. 
You need encouragement, help, direction, vision and undergirding.  The Prophetic is the only place that's found.  Find it.

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