Saturday, February 02, 2008


On another site the last few articles I posted on SA were cross posted here. I tend to be more directly political there. You will see that they don't have the flavor of nice old Gene that genial lover of God.

I'm the same Gene. I just get to let my political hair down a bit over there. It's a tougher crowd.

Oh, I'm up to it and I can be controversial. I'll bet you're shocked. It's a big site the owner of whom says has 40,000 readers per day. I don't know if it's true. Seems like a big number. But it might be. So, I get to irritate a larger group of people.

One of those is my continued loyal reader and yes I'll even say Friend from California, Reality Based Bob (RBB). He manages to get his licks in over there pretty well. I have for several years admired his wit and wisdom. So, I don't take lightly his poke at me. Which I answer here:

I didn't know Mrs Clinton was part of the Watergate committee. HMMM. I did know she was a Goldwater Girl in IL.

I might reconsider a tiny iddy bit. Still think she's riding the train of a bridal gown.

As far as the captioned picture. It's amusing. Come on BOB, you might have smiled just for a second. NO? I know I did. Kennedy drove off that bridge into permanent obscurity presidentially speaking. No matter if Mary Joe was or wasn't terminated because of him, he was at the wheel. Just like Laura.

BUT, to the title of this post. I am really angry at the Conservative media including radio and TV Talk Show hosts who have taken US for granted. Whoever US is. We are supposed to just fall in line. Salute and vote as they tell us to do.

Sorry, something went wrong. My discerner went off. Frank and practical discussion disappeared. Propaganda took it's place.

Why don't we just go back to WE REPORT YOU DECIDE.

Or maybe we never really did, either one of us.


Anonymous said...

and thats why I like this crazy guy named Gene.

Anonymous said...

If my view from the far left means anything Gene, fox was founded and operates on an agenda. They have never ever been fair and certainly never balanced. Roger Ailes has a past, he has a path. My little (probably meaningless) theory is that because mainstream media reflects mainstream thought the right wing felt left out. Being mainstream the networks are left of conservative thinking so fox, rush and as you say: their ilk, very effectively branded them FAR LEFT, which IMHO was swallowed by the far right and the well known echoed effect kicked in nicely. Sure they have “liberals” on their shows. The weakest lame assed mealy mouthed who the heck is that OK I will let Billow/Sean/Neil talk right over me and never ever stand up to challenge any of the “facts” or liberal slurs so that I can keep my per diem no name liberal butt on the air.

How long will it take true right wing believers to realize that media concentration (Murdock, Clear Channel…) will truly and finally bury “We the People” 6 feet under with the tombstone reading the well turned phrase: “We decide, you comply”. Ok, ok talking points exist on both sides but there is no pinko commie America hating liberal biased driveby media. It is a myth wholly fabricated by fox to divide a populace and boost its share of the ratings and push its agenda. Billow gets 2 point something million viewers a night. The lowest rated network news show, say it with me, SEE BS, pulls in over 6 million. (stats subject change upon further review). Add up the other network news sources including PBS and fox is a pimple on the media corporate butt. But somehow fox drives news cycles like nobodies bidnes. I don’t get it. A PIPA study found that people whose sole source for news was fox were woefully ignorant about “facts”. There is a reason for that. Oh, wait a minute, I need my tin foil hat before I write this…..ok I’m good….FOX IS A MOUTHPIECE FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER…luckily for us and the worlds order they are gonna fail miserably this November.

God knows there is a rightful and much needed place for right wing thought and policy in our country. But the pure thought, true values – good conservative people have been used by this new (ok lets call them neo-con) brand of gop. It’s a shame really. When I write “wither thou goest O once proud gop.” It is in some way –believe it or not- a kinda mourning for what was a great party. Of course I will reserve my right to disagree with certain directions and policies, but there was a time (I think?) when the gop was true to itself and true to our fellow Americans and not, as I see it, loyal to the federal reserve note and big ___________ (fill in the blank).

Now I’m off to meet an actual billionaire and later, dinner with Mom.

Have a great day.

Go outside and throw some snowballs at the neighbors kids.
Pretend they are little Rush Coulters’.
Just don’t tell anyone, of course.